2025年3月4日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

China's Xi promises policy stability at meeting with business leaders, including Alibaba's Jack Ma

Huizhong Wu

Mon, February 17, 2025 at 6:56 a.m. PST·3 min read

The Associated Press

BANGKOK (AP) — China's President Xi Jinping met with private sector business leaders on Monday, offering them assurances that policies regarding the private sector would not change, state media reported, as government officials work to revive an economy disrupted by a pandemic, regulatory crackdowns and a real estate crisis.

Among those present was Alibaba founder Jack Ma, who was part of a focus on a crackdown on the tech industry in recent years.

Xi told the audience that the Communist Party and the government's approach towards the private sector has been incorporated into “the socialist system with Chinese characteristics," which is how the party describes its governance, according to state broadcaster CCTV. “They cannot and will not change,” said Xi.

The president also said the government would “sincerely protect the legal rights of private businesses and entrepreneurs, according to the law.” But, “at the same time, we must realize that our country is a socialist country ruled by law, and any type of illegal activities by enterprises cannot avoid investigation and punishment.”

The words of assurance were made after Beijing launched a crackdown on the tech sector in 2020 to break down monopolies and implement strict data regulations.

One of the most public faces of that crackdown was Ma, who founded e-commerce firm Alibaba in the 1990s and was once China’s richest man. He has kept a low profile with few public appearances in recent years after he publicly criticized China’s regulators and financial systems during a speech in Shanghai.

Other business leaders at Monday's meeting in Beijing were Zeng Yuqun, the chairman of battery developer CATL, Wang Chuanfu, chairman of electric cars manufacturer BYD, and Pony Ma, the CEO of Tencent, which owns WeChat, according to a video of the meeting from state broadcaster CCTV and a state media report.

Xi said he hoped private businesses will continue to “get rich first, and then promote common prosperity,” a reference to a program to encourage development and close the wealth gap. Alibaba previously pledged $15.5 billion to the cause, while Tencent pledged $7.7 billion.

Earlier on Monday, a two-paragraph report about the meeting which originally had been carried by state media was subsequently deleted. Instead, a search online revealed a shorter state media statement which had cut out the names of those present.

A later readout of the meeting carried Xi's speech, and mentioned the names of some of those present, but not Ma.

Ma, one of the wealthiest men in the country, gave a speech in Oct 2020 in which he said regulators were too conservative. The government responded by scuttling his plans for Ant Group 's stock market debut. The finance-focused business grew out of Alipay, the popular digital payments system. It then forced Ant Group to restructure, dividing it into multiple independent businesses.

Alibaba was also investigated and fined $2.8 billion for breaching antitrust rules.







中國政府在 2020 年對科技業展開打擊行動,以打破壟斷並實施嚴格的資料監管後,做出了這樣的保證。

那次打擊行動中最受關注的人物之一是馬雲,他於 1990 年代創立了電子商務公司阿里巴巴,曾是中國首富。自從在上海發表演說公開批評中國的監管機構和金融體係以來,他近年來一直保持低調,很少公開露面。

根據國營中央電視台和官方媒體報道的會議影片,週一在北京舉行的會議的其他商界領袖還包括電池開發商 CATL 董事長曾氍群、電動車製造商比亞迪董事長王傳承以及微信所有者騰訊執行長馬化騰。

習近平表示,他希望私人企業繼續 先富起來,然後促進共同富裕,這是一項鼓勵發展、縮小貧富差距的計劃。阿里巴巴先前已承諾為該事業捐款 155 億元,而騰訊則承諾捐款 77 億元。



馬雲是中國最富有的人之一,他在 2020 10 月發表演講,表示監管機構過於保守。政府對他的回應是打沉了螞蟻集團上市的計劃。該以金融為重點的業務源自於流行的數位支付系統支付寶。隨後,這迫使螞蟻集團進行重組,將其分拆為多個獨立的業務。

阿里巴巴還因違反反壟斷規則而受到調查並被罰款 28 億元。

So, Xi tells the audience that the Communist Party and the government's approach towards the private sector has been incorporated into “the socialist system with Chinese characteristics."  Xi says that “They cannot and will not change”. I am wondering whether these words can bring back the confidence of the private sectors.

2025年3月3日 星期一

The reason why the giant meteorite that boiled the oceans when it collided with Earth 3.2 billion years ago is called the "fertilizer bomb" (2/2)

 Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

32億年前の地球衝突で海を沸騰させた巨大隕石、「肥料爆弾」と呼ばれる理由とは (2/2)

2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST













The giant meteorite that boiled the oceans when it collided with Earth 3.2 billion years ago: why it's called a "fertilizer bomb" (2/2)

2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST


However, the situation in the deep sea was different from that above the sea. The tsunami stirred up elements such as iron and brought them to the surface. Erosion also washed away coastal trash, releasing the phosphorus contained in the meteorite. Laboratory analysis has shown that immediately after the meteorite's impact, single-celled organisms that used iron and phosphorus as a source of nutrition rapidly increased.

According to Drabon, the life that was formed recovered quickly and then thrived.

"Even before the meteorite's impact, there were some organisms in the ocean, but not many. This was because in shallow waters there was a shortage of nutrients and electron donors such as iron," Dravon said, and continued:

"But the impact released important nutrients, such as phosphorus, on a global scale. One student described the impact as a 'fertilizer bomb.' Overall, this is very good news for the evolution of early life on Earth. That's because meteorite impacts were much more frequent in the early stages of the evolution of life than they are today."

Different impact effects

The impacts of S2 and the Chicxulub asteroid had different outcomes, due to the size of the meteorites and the different environments on Earth at the time of impact, Drabon explained.

The Chicxulub impactor struck the Earth's carbonate platform, releasing sulfur into the atmosphere. This sulfur formed aerosols that caused a sudden and extreme drop in surface temperatures.

And while many life forms were killed in both impacts, Drabon speculated that after the S2 impact, the tough, sunlight-dependent microorganisms that lived in shallow waters would have recovered quickly after the oceans refilled and the dust sank.

"Life was by far much simpler when the S2 hit," Dravon said, adding, "Brushing your teeth in the morning might remove 99.9 percent of the bacteria in your mouth, but by the evening it's all back."

              So, according to the latest theory, the impacts of S2 and the Chicxulub asteroid had different outcomes, due to the size of the meteorites and the different environments on Earth at the time of impact. While many life forms were killed in both impacts, scientists speculate that after the S2 impact, the microbes living in shallow waters could recover quickly, and single-celled organisms that use iron and phosphorus as a source of nutrition rapidly increased. Apparently, S2 has turned an important chapter in the development of life on earth.

2025年3月2日 星期日

The reason why the giant meteorite that boiled the oceans when it collided with Earth 3.2 billion years ago is called the "fertilizer bomb" (1/2)

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

32億年前の地球衝突で海を沸騰させた巨大隕石、「肥料爆弾」と呼ばれる理由とは (1/2)

2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST

  (CNN) 今から30億年以上前、エベレスト山四つ分の大きさと推定される巨大な隕石(いんせき)が地球に衝突した。研究によると、その衝撃は、意外にも地球上の初期の生命体にとって有益だった可能性があるという。












(to be continued)

The reason why the giant meteorite that boiled the oceans when it collided with Earth 3.2 billion years ago is called the "fertilizer bomb" (1/2)

2025.02.07 Fri posted at 20:00 JST

(CNN) More than 3 billion years ago, a giant meteorite estimated to be four times the size of Mount Everest collided with the Earth. Research suggested that the impact might have been unexpectedly beneficial to early life on Earth.

Usually, when a giant meteorite hit the Earth, the impact would cause devastating damage. Sixty-six million years ago, the dinosaurs became extinct when an asteroid about 10 kilometers wide collided with the coast of what was now the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico.

But when this meteorite known as S2, estimated to be 50 to 200 times the mass of the asteroid Chicxulub that wiped out the dinosaurs, struck Earth 3.26 billion years ago, the planet was young and a place very different from now, said Nadja Drabon, an assistant professor of earth and planetary sciences at Harvard University.

Drabon, the lead author of a study detailing the impact and aftermath of the S2 meteorite, recently published the study in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

Drabon continued to say, "(When the S2 meteorite hit) complex life had not yet formed, only single-celled organisms like bacteria and archaea,":

"There probably was life in the oceans then, but perhaps it wasn't as abundant as it is today due to a lack of nutrients. Some people refer to the Archean oceans as “biological deserts”. The Archean Earth was a water planet with only a few floating islands. It would have been a strange sight, with a green ocean rich in iron spreading out."

The impact of the S2 meteorite threw the entire planet into chaos, but the impact released various components that might have contributed to the growth of bacteria, said Drabon.

The meteorite's enormous impact

The S2 meteorite had a diameter of 37 to 58 kilometers when it hit the Earth, and its impact was swift and severe, said Drabon.

A tsunami hit the entire planet, and the heat generated by the impact was so intense that the surface of the ocean boiled and evaporated. According to Drabon, when the seawater boiled and evaporated, the salt that could be observed was formed on rocks immediately after the impact.

Dust released into the atmosphere by the impact caused the sky to darken on the other side of the Earth within a few hours of the impact. The atmospheric temperature increased, and the thick dust cloud blocked sunlight, preventing microorganisms from converting light into energy. Organisms living on lands and in shallow waters were adversely affected immediately after the impact, with effects likely lasting for years or even decades.

Eventually, rainfall restored the ocean's surface and the dust sank into the sea.

(to be continued)

2025年3月1日 星期六

Japanese government agencies warned about generative AI developed by China's Deepseek

 Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国「ディープシーク」開発の生成AI 日本政府機関に注意喚起

202526 2007






Japanese government agencies warned about generative AI developed by China's Deepseek

The government had warned government agencies and other entities to seek advice from specialized departments such as the Cabinet Secretariat before deciding whether to use generative AI developed by China's Deepseek, stating that it was necessary to be fully aware of the risks of using it.

Regarding generative AI developed by Chinese startup Deepseek, the government's Personal Information Protection Commission had published its opinion that personal information and other data were subject to Chinese laws and regulations and caution was required when using it.

In light of this, the government's Digital Society Promotion Council Steering Committee on the 6th issued a warning in writing to government agencies and other entities to seek advice from the Cabinet Secretariat's “Cyber ​​Security Center” and the Digital Agency before deciding whether to use the service, stating that it was necessary to be fully aware of the risks associated with using the service.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Hayashi said at a press conference that "We issued the document with the aim of thoroughly implementing the government's response policy. Relevant ministries and specialized agencies will work together to continue to collect information on various issues related to AI."

So, the Japanese government has warned government agencies and other entities to seek advice from specialized departments before deciding whether to use generative AI developed by China's Deepseek. Apparently, the government worries that sensitive information can be leaked out to China after using Deepseek.