2021年6月10日 星期四

USA Texas – a bill for license-free pistol carrying - to be passed with the governor's signature

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

許可不要の短銃携帯法案、知事署名で成立へ 米テキサス州

2021.05.29 Sat posted at 17:42 JST

(CNN) 米テキサス州の州議会は29日までに、住民に公の場所で許可証や必要な訓練がなくても短銃携帯を認める法案を可決し、今年9月の発効に必要な署名を求めてアボット知事(共和党)へ送付した。










(CNN) On the 29th, the Texas state legislature passed a bill allowing residents to carry short pistols in public without a permit or the necessary training, the bill would be sent it to Governor Abbott (Republican Party) for signature that was required to make it to come into force in September this year.

The governor had previously expressed his intention to sign.

While several states led by conservative governors in the United States had passed this type of bill this year, Texas which was said to be much larger and had a deep-rooted gun culture was more likely to follow suit.

It had already been approved in this state that rifles could be carried without permission. Current state law required holding a permit to carry a pistol in a visible or hidden manner. The issuance of this permit required residents to provide fingerprints, conduct background checks, complete certain training sessions, and participate in examinations to test their proper shooting ability.

The new law, to be passed this time, also required the state's public safety department to post on its official website a free training course on small firearms safety and usage.

Republicans in the state legislature, who supported the new law, argued that they would remove artificial obstacles to the right of residents in the state to possess guns, and to give more residents the opportunity to keep self-defense measures in public places.

Meanwhile, Democrats and some law enforcement officials had criticized that it would make even more difficult to identify residents with illegal guns.

Similar bills were passed this year in Iowa, Tennessee, Montana, Utah and Wyoming. The head of the Gun Violence Prevention and Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University predicted that with those states that already had similar laws, adding those states that would have laws coming into effect in the coming months, the total number of states could reach 19.

President Biden was pushing for gun control in response to the frequent shootings in the United States, and was urging the Congress to strengthen its countermeasures.

              I am interested to know whether there will be an increase in gun related crimes in Texas after this law is passed.

