2021年6月3日 星期四

An English study - Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the brain regardless of amount

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

量にかかわらず飲酒は脳に悪影響 英研究

2021.05.20 Thu posted at 16:55 JST

ロンドン(CNN) 飲酒に「安全な」レベルというものは存在せず、アルコールの摂取が増えればそれに関連して脳の健康は悪化するとの新たな研究結果がこのほど発表された。












London (CNN) - There eas no "safe" level of drinking, and a new research had recently announced that increased alcohol intake had resulted in associated deterioration of brain health.

In this unpeer-reviewed observational study, researchers at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom asked 25,000 people in the country to report their alcohol intake and examined their connection with tomographic photographs of their brains.

According to Anya Topiwala, senior clinical researcher at Oxford and the lead author of the treatise, the study found that drinking affected the gray matter of the brain. Gray matter referred to the areas of the brain that made up important parts of the body that process information.

Topiwala said in an email explained that, "As the amount of alcohol increases, the volume of gray matter decreases”; "Brain capacity decreases with age, but the degree is more serious in dementia. When the brain become smaller, it leads to poor memory performance. "

The team also examined whether certain drinking patterns, types of alcohol, and other health conditions would change the influence of alcohol on the brain.

They found that there was no "safe" level of drinking, and that drinking alcohol in any small amount would worsen brain health. No evidence was found that the degree of deterioration woul vary in relation  to the type of liquor.

He added that certain conditions, such as high blood pressure, obesity, and heavy drinking, could increase the risk.

"Too many people think that drinking is harmless, or even has some preventive effect if it is at the 'appropriate amount'." "Because no 'cure' for neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia has not been found yet, knowing the factors that can prevent brain damage is important for public health. " (Mr. Topiwala)

Past studies had pointed out that alcohol consumption, regardless of amount, poses a health risk.

Tony Rao, a visiting clinical researcher at London University King's College who was majoring in psychiatry for the elderly, in responded to CNN's interview showed a point of view that it was unlikely that the research result appeared by chance as there were large number of samples.

On top of seeing a common tendency with past research, in analysis he proved that even if it was a low-risk way of drinking, there was an implication that alcohol consumption had play a negative role in affecting the brain beyond conventional expectations. He said the negative degree exceeded many other risk factors such as smoking.

              So, this study points out that alcohol consumption, regardless of amount, can pose a health risk. But I think that the habit for human to drink alcohol will probably continue regardless of this report.  The German will continue to drink beer, the Russian consume vodka, the Japanese enjoy sake, and the French love cognac.

