2021年6月13日 星期日

從亞洲到歐洲的貨櫃箱費用高達 10,000 美元

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Shipping-Container Rates Top $10,000 From Asia to Europe

Brendan Murray

Thu., May 27, 2021, 8:15 a.m.

(Bloomberg) -- The cost to move goods in a shipping container to Europe from Asia shot above $10,000 for the first time on record, an index showed, underscoring the pain inflicted on exporters and importers struggling with stretched supply chains.

The Drewry World Container Index released Thursday showed the rate for a 40-foot container from Shanghai to Rotterdam rose to $10,174, up 3.1% from a week ago and a 485% jump from a year ago. The composite index of eight major routes rose 2% to $6,257 from a week earlier and was 293% higher than a year ago, Drewry said. Both were the highest in records going back to 2011.

In the U.S. and elsewhere, many shippers of cargo have had to pay in excess of $10,000 per container in this year’s tight spot market for seaborne freight, where deals with ocean carriers include hefty surcharges to ensure on-time delivery or guaranteed loading.

Container rates are surging because demand is outstripping the availability of the 20- and 40-foot steel boxes that carry the lion’s share of global trade. Amid strong consumer purchases and company restocking, disruptions ranging from the Suez Canal blockage in late March to port congestion are causing delays and higher costs for shippers while ocean carriers enjoy soaring profits.

Earlier on Thursday, Michael O’Sullivan, the CEO of New Jersey-based clothing retailer Burlington Stores Inc., said “expense headwinds in supply chain and freight have continued to deteriorate, and these are likely to weigh on our operating margin throughout the balance of the year.”

Meanwhile, shares of A.P. Moller-Maersk A/S, the world’s No. 1 container liner, hit a record high earlier this week. ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd., an Israeli carrier that went public in late January, traded this month at more than triple its IPO price of $15 a share.

High ocean-freight rates have helped spur a surge in orders for new container ships during the first five months of this year, according to industry group BIMCO.


(彭博社)-- 一項指數顯示,用貨櫃箱將貨物從亞洲運往歐洲的成本, 有記錄以來首次突破 10,000 美元,突顯了出口商和進口商因供應鏈緊張而面對掙扎的痛苦。

週四發布的Drewry World貨櫃指數顯示,上海至鹿特丹40英尺貨櫃運價上漲至10,174美元,較一周前上漲3.1%,較上年同期上漲485%Drewry八大航線綜合指數比一周前上漲 2% 6,257 美元,比一年前高出 293%。兩者都是自 2011 年以來的最高記錄。

在美國和其他地方,在今年緊張的海運現貨市場緊張中,許多貨物托運人不得不為每個貨櫃箱支付超過 10,000 美元的費用。與遠洋承運人的交易包括高額附加費,以確保按時交貨或保證裝載。 .

貨櫃箱運價飆升,是因為承載全球貿易最大份額的 20 英尺和 40 英尺鋼箱的需求超過了供應。在強勁的消費者購買和公司補貨的情況下,從 3 月下旬蘇伊士運河的封鎖, 到港口擁堵, 導致托運延誤和更高的成本。而海運承運人則享受飆升的利潤。

週四早些時候,總部位於新澤西州的服裝零售商 Burlington Stores Inc. 的首席執行官Michael O’Sullivan表示,“供應鍊和貨運方面的費用逆風繼續惡化,這些可能會影響我們今年餘下日子的營業利潤。”

與此同時,全球第一大貨櫃輪公司AP Moller-Maersk A / S的股價本週早些時候創下歷史新高。在1月下旬上市的以色列航運公司ZIM Integrated Shipping Services Ltd.本月交易價格更高比其每股 15 美元的 IPO 價格翻了三倍。

根據行業組織 BIMCO 的數據,高海運費率幫助刺激了今年前五個月新貨櫃船的訂單上升。

              So, in the U.S. and elsewhere,  shippers of cargo have to pay in excess of $10,000 per container in this year’s tight spot markets. It is an indication that global trade is catching up, despite the spreading of the Covid19 pandemic.

