2015年7月18日 星期六

癌症光療法:今夏有臨床試驗,在美國批准 舌頭, 咽喉成対象

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
がん光治療:夏にも治験 米で承認 舌、咽頭対象
毎日新聞 20150506日 0900分(最終更新 0506日 1818分)


 Regarding a new cancer treatment which applied light from outside the body to destroy cancer cells, in the USA this summer a team formed by the US Medicine Venture together with Kobayashi Hisataka, the head researcher of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) would begin a clinical trial. It was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Targeting at the cancer patients the team would check for safety and effect. There was a possibility that patient's burden would become small in this efficient new curing method.
    At the start of the clinical trial, 7- 9 patients were given an injection of antibody that contained a matter that could cause chemical reaction, and their safety was confirmed. Next, near infrared light were applied to the affected parts of 15-24 targeted patients after an injection. After 3 months, the difference in the change in size of the cancer, the side effects, and the changes caused by the different amount of the light applied were checked.

   The light itself was harmless to the body, and the depth of receiving the near infrared light was from the body surface down by 5-10 centimeters. With effect from this month, patient recruitment was started by the Minnesota University in the US together with the Netherlands Groningen University which had the approval from the FDA. Mr. Kobayashi said that "when the safety is confirmed, we would also like to consider making the rare cancer a subject which clinical trials have not been established".

I think this research will help a lot of the related cancer patients.

