2015年4月19日 星期日


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20150224 1700

A research team from the Osaka University announced that by an experiment on mice they confirmed that the bitterness ingredient included in tea was working towards reducing bones breaking.

 Supposedly they wanted to "link it to the preventive medication development on osteoporosis". A thesis had appeared in a science magazine the Nature Medicine electronic edition on the 24th (February).

 In the bone, there was the "Osteoblast" by which hard tissues made of calcium were made and the "Osteoclast" which broke down the bones when they aged. When a balance was maintained, the strength of bones could be maintained. When one aged and lost its balance, osteoporosis occurred.

Yu Ishii the Professor from the Osaka University together with Assistant Professor Nishikawa Keizo and others once every 3 days injected a substance that formed the bitterness of tea and the red color component (polyphenol) to a mouse with osteoporosis caused by excessive osteoclast. Three weeks later the osteoclast was reduced, and most of the bones recovered normal strength too. However, it was necessary to serve 60 cups of tea in total for a person of 60 kilometers in weight in one prescription. It was said that they did not think improvements could be expected in ordinarily drinking. Assistant Professor Nishikawa Keizo said that "if medication or supplement based on the polyphenol is further developed, osteoporosis prevention effects can be expected".

It seems that apart from taking calcium as a supplement, some ingredients in tea may also be useful in reducing bone breaking. 

