A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
光格子時計:1秒ずれるのに160億年 東大チームが作製
毎日新聞 2015年02月10日 01時30分
A team formed by professor Hidetoshi Katori
(Quantum electronics) of the University of Tokyo and others announced that they
made and operated two "Optical lattice clock" that was 100 times more
precise than the cesium nuclear clock which defined one "second" in
time; the two had super-high precision with deviation of one second in every 16,000
million years. Even if it kept on measuring after the universe was born 13,800 million years ago, up to now the deviation would be less than 1 second.
exceeded the existing world record in Optical lattice clock by about 30 times.
This outcome was announced to a science magazine the Nature Photonics
electronic edition dated the 9th (February).
the two were connected to the optical fiber cable, its movement in about one
month was calculated. The result was that both took 16,000 million years to
deviate 1 second.
Obviously it is a great achievement in