A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
毎日新聞 2015年02月13日 10時10分
About plastic trash that was flowed into the ocean world-wide each
year, in a test calculation it reached 4,800,000 - 12,700,000 tons; this was
compiled by a team from the Georgia University and announced in a US science
magazine the Science dated the 13th (February). China had the
most outflows.
team analyzed the targeted 192 countries and areas which were connected to the sea. China was at
the first place with about 1,320,000 - 3,530,000 tons a year. At the 2nd place was Indonesia with 480,000 - 1,290,000 tons, and at the
3rd was the Philippines
with 280,000 -750,000 tons. The countries at the top were densely populated, and
there were a lot of countries where the disposal process by recycling,
burning or reclamation were not performed properly. The 20 top countries were mainly developing countries, but among the advanced countries only USA was included.
I think the US should do something to improve
the situation.