2014年11月29日 星期六

文科省調査: 8万退學大学生之中有2成是由於「経済的理由」

A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
大学中退、2割が「経済的理由」 文科省が8万人調査

It was turned out by an investigation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology that twenty percent of the about 80,000 people had resigned from a university, a junior college, or a technical college in the 2012 fiscal year due to economic reasons. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology was considering introducing scholarships etc. to make payment burdens lighter with reference to the income.

In February - March this year a total of 1,191 schools of public and private university, junior college, and technical college in the country were asked about the number of dropouts in the 2012 fiscal year and the reasons etc. There were replies from 1163 schools (the number of students was about 2,990,000 people) which amounted to 97.6%. This investigation was the second time since 2007 fiscal year (official announcement made in 2009).

The number of people dropped out was 79,311, being an increase of about 16,000 people compared with the last investigation. "Economic reason" (20.4%) as the reason for quitting school was the majority (except for ‘Others’) for the third time, with a 6.4 points increase compared with the previous investigation.

Among the dropouts in national universities, the rate in choosing the "Economic reason" was 11.6%. Compared with the 22.6% in private college which had high entrance fee and tuition fee, it was nearly a double of the national universities. Among the about 10,000 tuition-fee-defaulters, the private colleges had about 9000 people in the majority.

The person in charge of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology explained that "the tightening of domestic income has served as a backdrop for the widening in the gaps".

The number of temporary-absence-from-school people was 67,654, being an increase of about 20,000 in number compared with last time. The "Economic reason" (15.5%) was the most majority (except for “Others”). However, some students had gone "Study abroad" (15.0%).

From now on the intention of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology would be to proceed with the introduction of the "income-linked return model scholarship" etc. which would adjust the monthly payment amount according to the annual income so as to reduce the number of students quitting school for economic reasons.

I hope the introduction of the "income-linked return model scholarship" can help the situation.

2014年11月28日 星期五


A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

毎日新聞 20140916日 2054


On the 16th (September) a joint investigation command center of the Police from six prefectures such as Osaka, Hyogo, and Kyoto announced the arrest of a suspect Lin Juan (27) at Katsushika-district who was China nationality working as a restaurant part-time worker in Tokyo. He was suspected of violating the banking act in managing a Chinese "underground bank" by doing unlawful remittance without a license. Suspect Lin was playing the role of cash flow-back for a fraud group that pretended to be policemen to steal cash. He said that "the cash collected were remitted to a group in Fujian of China". Investigation headquarters was planning to further its understanding on the actual situation.

It was supposed that this arrest was made on suspicion that a total of about 13 million yen kept by five Chinese women who were unrelated to fraud cases had been remitted to China in May last year to July this year without a banking license.

According to two Osaka prefecture police criminal investigations, a Chinese trader who received cash from suspect Lin, as a means to remit cash, purchased high-class wrist watches etc. in Japan. Goods were sent to China and sold, and a part of the proceed was passed to the friends on the spot. The trader said that he knew nothing about such a situation.

Regarding the fraud case of pretending to be the policemen, the investigation headquarters arrested suspect Lin and others for the alleged fraud etc. The view held was that the total illegal amount went up to about 128 million yen, and most of them had been remitted to China.

The Osaka District Prosecutor's Office was pending criminal prosecution on suspect Lin’s alleged fraud.

  One hundred and twenty-eight million yen illegal money is a lot of money. It seems that Chinese "underground bank" was very well organized.

2014年11月27日 星期四

東京湾「猿島」看似天空之城大受歡迎, 參觀開始需要收費

A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140921 1427

Kanagawa’s Yokosuka city had decided a plan, starting from April next year, to introduce inland-visiting-fee at the uninhabited island "Sarushima (Monkey Island)" which was at the city’s off-shore in Tokyo Bay.

While it was a popular tourist sport where one could enjoy sea-bathing and barbecue, its reputation of "looking like the world of Studio Ghibli" had also spread and the island’s scenery was visited by anime fans recently.

The city intended to cover the maintenance expenses of this island with the collected island-visiting-fee. Sarushima was 1.6 km in circumference and was at a distance of about 10 minutes from the city by a liner (1,300 yen for a junior high school student and up). In addition to the natural riches on the island, the remains of a fort of Japan's now-defunct Army were also left behind. The people who visited the island were causing its new popularity: the remains of a fort which "look like a brick building fort in the Castle in the Sky Laputa" was written in a blog.

There were about 110,000 island-visitors in fiscal year 2013, being a 1.7 times increase compared with fiscal year 2003. The city was improving the island, every year it used about 33 million yen (in 2014 fiscal year). It would allot the island-visiting-fee to remove the vegetation that were spreading roots into the crevice between the bricks of the fort’s remains; and to maintain a walking path etc. It was in the city’s questionnaire survey conducted this summer that about 80 percent of the people visiting the island showed an understanding for collecting 100-300 yen. The city planned on making a decision on the collection amount with reference to this result.

It seems that the traveling fee by boat to the island is quite expensive.

2014年11月26日 星期三


A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

全日空機 飛行中に部品の一部落下か

920 2315

It was turned out that on the evening of the 20th (September) some parts which covering the body surface of an All Nippon Airways plane that arrived in Kochi Airport from Haneda Airport was regarded as dropped during the flight.

According to All Nippon Airways, it was said that for the moment all information about the parts that had fallen onto the ground was not submitted.

On the 20th, according to All Nippon Airways, No. 565 of the All Nippon Airways arrived at Kochi Airport from Haneda Airport at 5:51 p.m. When a mechanic checked the body of this Boeing 767-300 type plane, he turned out that some tabular parts known as the panel which covered the surface portion related to the left wing and the engine were lost.

While the runway was checked for 20 minutes after 6:10 p.m. in Kochi Airport for this reason, it was said that these parts were not found and it was concluded that they had fallen off during the flight. It was said that the lost parts were products made from reinforced plastic of about 2 meters in length and 10 to 30 cm in width, and they weighted from 100 g to 200 g.

According to All Nippon Airways it was said that, for the moment, the information regarding the parts that had fallen to the ground was not submitted. In All Nippon Airways, the plane-body’s condition and the cause etc. were being investigated in detail.

In connection with this, All Nippon Airways No. 562 which would leave Kochi Airport at 7:35 a.m. for the Haneda Airport on the 21st was canceled.

I hope All Nippon Airways could maintain a high safety standard for its planes.

2014年11月24日 星期一

韓国自殺率第一位: 沒有錢, 兒子不來探望

A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140902 1649

Based on the statistics of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the suicide rate in South Korea (the number of suicide per population 100,000) was at the 1st place for ten consecutive years in the records of 34 affiliated nations.

Old man's suicide pushed up the numerical value. In addition to loneliness and poverty, the wearing out of the Confucianism tradition of “respecting parents" which was a special feature of the South Korean society had put a strain on society that harmed the old men.

<> Seoul’s Loneliness
"If suicide is committed by jumping down, it will be troublesome for everybody. But if you die in this room, nobody will notice ...." Ms. Chanyoruja (73) murmured in an apartment for low income earners at Johoku district of Seoul in mid-August.

These days, most things eaten would be vomited. The cost of intravenous drip nutrient was 35,000 won (about 3400 yen) which was equal to the living expenses for one week. Although arrived at the hospital for being tired due to the hot weather, she was sent back. "There is no money. The debt owed to an old-man association cannot be paid, either". The days that the favorite kimchi not put into the refrigerator had increased.

Born in Osaka and brought to Cheju Island after the defeat of Japan she went to Seoul at the age of 18. She divorced from her chef husband and acted as a beautician to bring up her three sons. But her second son and third son had died of illness etc. ten years ago. She was also troubled by the suicidal impulse and had the intention to commit suicide by medication. Her eldest son lived in the soul suburbs: "I would like to meet him. But he has not come for many years. Sorry that there is no money, it will be fine not to come, he is a good son", giving him the protection.

I am interested to know how the social welfare system for the aged in South Korea could be compared with those in Japan.

2014年11月23日 星期日

外国觀光客: 中国人消費最高每人平均19万円

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:


毎日新聞 20140914日 0930
It was turned out by an investigation in Tokyo that among the incoming tourists who visited the Tokyo metropolitan area in 2013 fiscal year, it was the Chinese that had the highest spending. For each person the projection was 191,741 yen. It was their high souvenir bills that stood out. Regarding the short-term stay being carried out, in many cases they were visits to Ginza etc.

According to the capital, the Chinese travelers’ spending such as lodging expense (31,560 yen) or wining and dining expenses (24,336 yen) did not differ a lot compared with the average incoming tourists, but the souvenir expense was 122,684 yen which far exceeded the average (46,546 yen).

The length of stay was "mostly two nights" which had 24.2%. Regarding the destination, 69.1% visited Ginza which was popular for its many stores that dealt with luxury brands.

It is nice to note that the diplomatic tension between China and Japan has not dampened the spending mood of the Chinese tourists.

2014年11月22日 星期六


A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

ベトナムとインド油田開発合意 中国はけん制

916 2242

On the 15th (September) India exchanged with Vietnam a statement of mutual agreement on oil field development at the various islands in the South China Sea where Vietnam still had territorial right disputes with China; the press secretary of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said "if it is related to the ocean space of China, this would not be supported", checking the movement of Vietnam and India.

On the 15th in capital Hanoi, PRC President Thruong Tan San of Vietnam conferred with President Mukherjee of India. Both sides agreed that India government would lend a maximum of 100 million dollars (about 10,700 million yen in Japanese yen) as the expense to purchase goods needed for national defense to strengthen the Vietnam government.

Furthermore, at the location of this talk, the oil companies of both countries exchanged a statement of mutual agreement on oil field development in the South China Sea. About this, at a press conference on the 16th, Hong Lei the press secretary of the China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized their traditional position that "China has indisputable sovereignty right over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea and the neighboring ocean space".

Moreover, regarding the statement of mutual agreement concerning oil field development by the oil companies of Vietnam and India, the press secretary said that " without obtaining the permission of China, such talks cannot be supported if a survey on natural resources is carried out on the ocean space where China has the jurisdiction", checking the movement which Vietnam and India were advancing.

It is interesting to compare China’s position regarding a similar territorial dispute with Japan over the right to explore the gas field in East China Sea - the Chunxiao gas field.

2014年11月21日 星期五


Yesterday the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
円安ウォン高、苦境の韓国 日本との輸出競争力が低下

The South Korea’s economy had been troubled by the strong Won and weak Yen. This was accelerated further when on October 31 the Bank of Japan opted for additional money market relaxation; its power to fight with rivals for the world markets and with the Japanese companies fell relatively. It would pursue and attack areas where export competitiveness had been weakened due to the strong Won in relation to the Dollar.

President Park Geun-hye in the G20 summit meeting expressed concern that "a deviation in currency value by major industrialized countries may become a burden for the economy of some newly emerging countries", and subtly criticized the financial policy of the Bank of Japan of November 16. Furthermore, to check this, she said that "noting that the economic and currency policies of advanced nations only give consideration to their own country’s situation, there is a possibility that this may generate negative effects on newly emerging countries, and in return have a bad influence on the economy of the advanced nations".

According to the Korea Exchange Bank, on October 30th the day before the Bank of Japan opted for further easing its monetary policy, the price was 100 Yen = 967.46 Won. However, starting from the next day the 31st, strong Won and weak Yen continued and on November 19 it became 100 yen = 943.22 Won. A South Korean private think-tank the "Contemporary Economic Research Institute" in October had released an analysis saying that the export of South Korea next year would decrease 8.8%, if the Yen to Won rate became 900 Won.

As Japan is having its own economic problems, it seems that the “currency war” between Japan and South Korea will continue in the months to come.

2014年11月20日 星期四


A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

JFEスチール ベトナム製鉄所計画撤回

917 000

"JFE steel", a major iron and steel maker, announced its withdrawal from participating in a plan to build an iron mill in Vietnam noting that the prospect regarding the supply of iron and steel would be excessive due to an increase in Chinese makers, and the ability to secure sufficient profit there no longer held.

JFE steel had connected with a major iron and steel maker of Taiwan in March two years ago with an initial agreement to examine the setting up of an iron mill equipped with a "blast furnace" which could made iron from iron ore for the industrial complex in central Vietnam.

Although it could start work as early as in the year after next, JFE announced on the 16th (September) to cancel the initial agreement and withdraw from participating in this building program.

The reason for the company was that the prospect on the supply of iron or steel in the Asia markets would become superfluous due to an increase in Chinese iron and steel makers, and it could no longer stood to secure sufficient profit.

It was said for this company, it was the first time to plan building an iron mill equipped with a blast furnace overseas, and the economic growth in Southeast Asia could tie to its earning growth. JFE supposed that "while being unable to expect a large expansion domestically in the demand for steel, overseas iron mill is required on a mid- and long-term basis", and thus pushed forward an overseas strategy of examining where in the world to construct a blast furnace.

   It seems that the competition from China in steel making is affecting Japanese companies.

2014年11月19日 星期三


A few days ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:
7-9月GDP 2期連続のマイナス
1117 856

It was used to judge whether Prime Minister Abe would increase the consumption tax rate to 10%: as an important economic barometer on the pace of expansion, the GDP= gross domestic product this year for July to September compared with the previous three months was a minus 0.4% in substance, ignoring change in prices, and was a minus 1.6% when converted into the annual rate, being a minus for two consecutive periods.

The situation got worse compared to the first three months after the consumption tax rate was increased.

The Cabinet Office announced the preliminary figures of the GDP growth rate this year from July to September, when compared with the previous three months, would be a minus 0.4% in the substance, excepting changes in prices.

When this was converted into the annual rate, it became a minus 1.6%. With a minus for two consecutive terms counting from April to June due to the influence of a consumption tax increase, it became a significant decline that would exceed the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake at minus 7.3%.

Looking into the main items, under "personal consumption", with the influence of the consumption tax increase etc., the prices had gone up coupled with bad summer weather, making it to stay at 0.4% plus.

Also, company’s "capital investment" was a minus 0.2%.

In "housing investment", the decrease trend as a reaction to consumption tax increase was continuing; it became a huge minus of 6.7%. On the other hand in foreign demand, export exceeded import and pushed up the GDP by 0.1 point.

I am interested to know what Prime Minister Abe will do to deal with the situation.