2014年2月23日 星期日


Recently the FNN News on-line reported the following:

1月貿易収支、過去最大の赤字 菅長官、輸出持ち直しへ期待感


The trade balance for January, because of an increase in the amount of fuel imported caused by the cheap yen, stood at 2,790 billion yen in the red. It became the highest figure ever in one single month.

According to the foreign trade statistics in January which the Ministry of Finance had announced, in export, the number of cars etc. to the U.S. had increased. Compared with the same month of the previous year there was a 9.5% increase and the amount was 5,252,900 million yen.

On the other hand in import, with a weak yen, the fuel for thermal power generation etc. had increased and the amount of import was 8,042,900 million yen, being an increase of 25%.

The trade balance of deducting import from export was 2,790 billion yen in the red, and became the highest ever in red for one single month.

The trade deficit had being continuing for 19 months.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga said "(in January) there is a tendency for export value to drop every year".

Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga showed the hope that with a steady overseas business and against the background of a weak yen, exports would move towards a recovery from now on.

     It seems that Japan is quite optimistic in its foreign trade performance, even if it has a deficit for 19 months in a row.

