2010年10月1日 星期五


Recently the FNN reported the following:


On the 28th, the Okinawa prefecture assembly passed unanimously the protest resolution to request the country to show to foreign countries that Senkaku Islands and the surrounding ocean area were integral territories of Japan.

In the Okinawa prefecture assembly, the protest resolution was read out , saying that "This prefecture assembly protests to government measures from the standpoint of the life and safety of the inhabitants of the prefecture, and calling on the defending of territorial waters of the prefecture".

The resolution, while requesting the country to take measures so that fishermen in Japan could operate safely around Senkaku Islands, also aimed towards China to request it not to relapse into intruding into territorial waters again.

In Japan, some people in Okinawa were quite unhappy with the measures taken by Tokyo. To hear different voices is common in a democratic country.

