2009年6月22日 星期一


Recently, the Japanese Yomiuri News carried the following:

内閣府と財務省が22日発表した4-6月期の法人企業景気予測調査で、資本金10億円以上の大企業の景 況判断指数はマイナス22.4となり、過去最低だった1-3月期(マイナス51.3)から大幅に改善。. . . 政府が6月の月例経済報告で示した事実上の "景気底打ち宣言"に続き、企業の景気感が最悪期を脫した とを反映したと言えそうだ。日本銀行が7月1 日に発表する 6月全国企業短期経済観測調査(6月短観)でも企業の景況の感が大幅に改善するとみられる。

The Japanese Finance Ministry has released the corporation business forecast for the months of April to June which indicated that company confidence for the future is improving. For the big companies, the index figure has been up for almost 30 points (although still in minus). The government is also confident that the worst situation is over. The Japanese banks are also likely to report that there is an improvement in confidence in economic outlook among Japanese enterprise. It seems that Japan is recovering.

