2019年11月17日 星期日

Two people in China were infected with pulmonary plague - a high-risk fulminant type

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

2019.11.14 Thu posted at 10:04 JST
 中国で2人が病原菌によって引き起こされるペストに感染した/ National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

(CNN) 中国でこのほど2人が肺ペストと診断され、北京の病院で治療を受けている。当局が12日に明らかにした。









 (CNN) In China, two people had recently been diagnosed with pulmonary plague and were being treated at a hospital in Beijing. The authorities revealed this on the 12th.

This was the second time that a plague patient was confirmed in this region this year. In May, a Mongolian couple died of gland plague after eating an uncooked marmot kidney which was a local therapeutic diet.

According to Xinhua News Agency, infection was confirmed in two patients from Inner Mongolia who were diagnosed with lung plague at a hospital in Beijing. They were currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Chaoyang, Beijing, and authorities had taken steps on infection prevention.

This plague was an infectious disease caused by pathogenic bacteria and was transmitted through fleas and animals. Symptoms were classified into three types: the gland plague swollen lymph nodes, the septic plague infected the blood, and the lung plague infected the lung.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the lung plague that occurred in China this time was particularly dangerous and had severe symptoms that would surely cause death if not treated.

In medieval Europe, 50 million people died in the plague epidemic. Later, antibiotics were developed, and could expect a recovery if treated early. The plague never disappeared, and it was emerging again in recent years.

According to the WHO, there were more than 3,248 reported cases globally between 2010 and 2015, of which 584 people died. The countries with the most reported infection were the Democratic Republic of Congo (formerly Zaire), Madagascar and Peru in descending order.

US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reported several to dozens of cases in the United States annually.

              So, if you are travelling in northern China, be careful of this infectious disease.

