2019年6月6日 星期四

High concentration of radioactive carbon found in organisms in the deep sea, accumulated due to Cold War nuclear experiments

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2019.05.14 Tue posted at 12:58 JST
  (CNN) 1950年代~60年代にかけての冷戦時代に行われた核実験の影響で、超深海にすむ甲殻類の筋組織から高濃度の放射性炭素が検出されたという研究結果を、中国などの研究チームが発表した。









  (CNN) Research teams in China and other locations announced that high concentrations of radioactive carbon were detected in the muscle tissue of crustaceans in the deep sea due to the effect of nuclear tests conducted during the Cold War from the 1950s to the 1960s.

The study was published in a journal in April. The research team pointed out that human contamination had entered the food chain of the ocean and had reached the deep sea. Researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences told CNN that "We were not expecting such high a concentration of carbon-14 (radioactive carbon)."

In the Cold War-era nuclear tests, radioactive carbon in the atmosphere doubled, and neutrons emitted by the bomb reacted with nitrogen in the atmosphere to produce radioactive carbon.

Although the concentration of radioactive carbon decreased with the end of the experiment, radioactive carbon that dropped from the atmosphere to the surface of the sea were taken up by marine organisms for many years through the food chain.

Research teams from China and the United States had used these "bomb carbons" to investigate crustaceans that live in the deep ocean at a depth of 6000-11,000 meters in the three trenches of the western Pacific. Deep-sea crustaceans fed on corpses of organic matter that had sunk to the ocean floor.

As a result of dating by radioactive carbon, carbon 14 was detected in the muscle tissue of crustaceans in the deep sea at a much higher concentration than in the natural world. Carbon 14 was present in almost all living things in nature.

It usually took about 1000 years for the bomb carbon to reach the deep sea by the circulating seawater. But the research team speculated that radioactive carbon moved earlier than expected through the marine food chain.

The crustaceans living in the trench were slower in cells changing than those in the shallow water, and their life span were more than four times longer. The researchers commented that this would increase the amount of radioactive carbon accumulated in their bodies.

              So, the deep sea and the organisms living there are also affected by the senseless activities of human.

