2019年6月9日 星期日

‘God of Death’ - Apophis the asteroid : approaching earth in 2029

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
2019.05.02 Thu posted at 12:00 JST

(CNN) 米航空宇宙局(NASA)によると、「死の神」の名を持つ巨大小惑星が、2029年に地球に接近する。







2019.05.02 Thu posted at 12:00 JST

(CNN) According to NASA, a huge asteroid with the name "God of Death" would approach earth in 2029. 

This asteroid "99942 Apophis" was about 335 meters in diameter.  Apophis, a name derived from a Greek name in Egyptian mythology, was a snake god who tried to swallow the sun.

However, there was no concern that Apophis would collide with earth in 2029, and it was expected to pass by at a distance of about 30,000 km from Earth.

According to NASA experts, it was relatively uncommon for such a large object to pass near earth, and it gave researchers an excellent opportunity for observation. NASA planned on using optical telescope and radar telescope for observation. "If you use a radar, you may be able to observe the surface with an accuracy of reaching up to a few meters."

Apophis could appear to the naked eye as a bright light spot. According to NASA's prediction model, "When Apophis passes over the Atlantic, in this orbit its color temporarily changes from red to gray, it is the moment of the closest encounter"; it was explained that  "After this close encounter, it moves into the daytime sky and cannot be seen.”

Apophis’s approaching was also an opportunity to explore how to respond to more dangerous asteroids that come near earth. Experts who were familiar with such celestial bodies positioned the Apophis as "a representative existence of about 2000 potentially hazardous asteroids (PHA)", and "it may be used for planetary defense by observing the 2029 Apophis’s approaching. You will gain some important scientific knowledge. "

        The good news is that Apophis will not collide with earth in 2029.

