2019年3月7日 星期四

Rising risk in premature death due to "super processed food" - French research

Last month CNN.co.jp reported the following:
「超加工食品」で早死にのリスク上昇 仏研究
2019.02.15 Fri posted at 17:50 JST
  (CNN) 食生活の中で高度に加工された「超加工食品」の占める割合が大きい人ほど、早死にするリスクが高くなるとの研究結果が報告された。










(CNN) Research results showed that a higher risk of premature death was being reported among people consuming a larger proportion of "super processed foods" in the dietary habit.

The French research team published a paper on the American medicine journal "JAMA Internal Medicine".

According to the team, super processed food was made from multiple materials in the factory and generally contain additives for both technical reasons and outward-looking reasons. The food had spread rapidly in recent decades because meals, snacks and desserts could be eaten easily by simply warming them up. Previous studies had pointed out that they were related to obesity, hypertension and cancer.

In order to investigate the relationship between super processed food and risks of premature death, the team asked for cooperation from 45,551 adults over 45 years of age living in France. The average age of participants was 57 years, and women accounted for about 73%.

Participants submitted 24-hour eating and drinking records every six months for two years and answered questions about numerical values ​​such as BMI (body mass index), activity levels, and social demographics attributes.

When calculating the proportion of super processed food among the total food consumed by participants, the average went up to about 14% on a weight basis and 29% on a calorie basis.

During the studying period, 602 participants died. Calculated after adjusting factors such as smoking, it was found that the risk of death would increase by 14% or more when the percentage of super processed food was increased by 10 points.

About this result, the team pointed out that it might be affected by additives contained in the super processed food, by the chemical substances transferred from packaging materials during storage, and by the food processing itself such as high temperature treatments.

On the other hand, some experts criticized that the classification of "super processed food" was too broad and what factors might lead to the risk could not be identified.

          It seems that to avoid eating super processed food could be a wise decision.

