2015年7月14日 星期二

大眼金槍魚:資源水平“低位”, 過度捕撈現象嚴重

A few weeks ago the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:
メバチマグロ:資源レベル「低位」 乱獲が深刻化
毎日新聞 20150509日 2000分(最終更新 0509日 2008分)

  In the Midwest Pacific Ocean, which was a major fishing ground of Japanese fishing boats for big-eyed tuna consumed mostly as tuna for sashimi in Japan, the resource level was "low". On the 9th an assessment gathered by the Fisheries Research Agency had evaluated that the level tended to decrease further.

   It showed that not only for the Blue fin tuna, which was the material of the luxury fatty tuna, overfishing was getting intensified even for the relatively low-priced tuna. It was certain that voices had increased, including those from the Japanese fishing boats, asking for a reduction in catch.

   According to the said center, the amount of the parent fish with the ability to lay eggs continued to decrease after fishing got into full swing since 1950. In 2012 there was a possibility that the amount in this sea area could decrease from the original by about 16 - 20 %.

Over catching of fish is always a problem as the world population is increasing.

