2015年5月1日 星期五


A few weeks ago the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20150304 1903

On the 4th (March) the "National Maritime Information Center" which was under the direct control of the China’s State Oceanographic Office, by adding new Japanese and English versions to its Chinese website that was set up in the end of last year, within the country and abroad, insisted on its "sovereignty" claim over the Senkaku Islands (China named it the Fishing Island) that was located in the Okinawa prefecture.

  It could be thought that the aim was to strengthen its propaganda towards the international society.

  In the Japanese edition it assumed the "basic stance of the Chinese government" that "before Japan’s so-called “discovery” of the Senkaku Islands, Chinese were already doing fishing there, and controlled this and other related islands for hundreds of years".

On the 4th Kan the Chief Secretary in a press conference made it clear that he had strongly protested to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Japanese Embassy inside China and asked for the elimination of these sites.

  About the insistence made by the Chinese side, Mr. Kan stressed that "it distorts the relationship of facts, and repeats its one-sided usual stance. The contents are not acceptable to the Japanese Government".

  When the Chinese website was set up in the end of last year, Japanese Government had protested strongly.

So China is using the websites to promote its political stance over the Senkaku Islands.

