2015年4月11日 星期六


A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:
中国の中央銀行 また利下げ
228 1950
China's central bank the "People's Bank of China" announced that it would reduce respectively the basic money lending rate and the financial institution deposit rate by 0.25 % starting from March 1.

It was a continuing reduction since November last year. It could be thought that there was an aim to strengthen the slowing down Chinese economy, and a posture to further support the business.

It was announced on the evening of the 28th (February) that the People's Bank of China would reduce the basic money rate of 5.6 % a year now by 0.25 % to 5.35 % when a financial institution lent out funds, and also to reduce depositor's basic money rate of 2.75 % year now by 0.25 % to 2.5 %.

Reduction had been stopped for approximately 2 years 4 months and was re-introduced again in November last year, and continued to be performed again starting from March 1st.

In China against the background of a stagnate real estate etc., investment in the real estate and in production were sluggish; import records continued to fall below the previous year for 3 months, domestic demand was lacking the force.

Further, the rate of increase in consumer price index in January fell below 1% in 5 years and 2 months when compared with the same month the previous year. There was a huge downward pressure on price and the business was slowing down.

For the People's Bank of China, on February 5th after 2 years and 9 months, reserve requirement ratio of a financial institution was also reduced. Against the background of proceeding with the monetary easing in rapid successions, it was thought that there was an aim to strengthen a posture in stopping the further slowing down of the Chinese economy.

I hope the economic situation in China would be stabilized.

