2014年11月7日 星期五


A few weeks ago the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
1歳児、すでに「教えたがり」 九大実験で判明


   A person wants to teach his partner the knowledge which the latter did not know. It was turned out by a research of the Kyushu University that a 1 year-old child already had such a feeling. It was said that while guessing whether his partner knew something, the baby would spontaneously teach that knowledge after judging that the partner did not know it.

   Mr. Moukeni (26) and others in the Kyushu University second year master's course were doing the experiment. First, together with a baby aged 1 year to 1½ years old they played with "a yellow toy", then they left the seat. It was in a situation that Mr. Moukeni and others were not present that this time kept the baby played with "a red toy". Then they returned to the baby again when both the yellow and red toys were put at the back which was not visible by Mr. Moukeni and others. They tried to see what kind of action the baby would take.

   Experiments involving toy changing were done on 32 babies in 64 times in total; it was said that 66% percentage had pointed "a red toy" etc. to partners who did not know about it.

   Associate Professor Hashiwataru Kazuhide of the same university said “clearly the baby first guesses whether the partners know something and then teach them. It seems that a baby not only learns, but also has the capability to teach from the early stage of development". The paper that summarized this experimental result was carried by the U.S. science journal “PLOS ONE” published on the 11th (September).

It is an interesting scientific finding.

