2014年11月22日 星期六


A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

ベトナムとインド油田開発合意 中国はけん制

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On the 15th (September) India exchanged with Vietnam a statement of mutual agreement on oil field development at the various islands in the South China Sea where Vietnam still had territorial right disputes with China; the press secretary of China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs said "if it is related to the ocean space of China, this would not be supported", checking the movement of Vietnam and India.

On the 15th in capital Hanoi, PRC President Thruong Tan San of Vietnam conferred with President Mukherjee of India. Both sides agreed that India government would lend a maximum of 100 million dollars (about 10,700 million yen in Japanese yen) as the expense to purchase goods needed for national defense to strengthen the Vietnam government.

Furthermore, at the location of this talk, the oil companies of both countries exchanged a statement of mutual agreement on oil field development in the South China Sea. About this, at a press conference on the 16th, Hong Lei the press secretary of the China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized their traditional position that "China has indisputable sovereignty right over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea and the neighboring ocean space".

Moreover, regarding the statement of mutual agreement concerning oil field development by the oil companies of Vietnam and India, the press secretary said that " without obtaining the permission of China, such talks cannot be supported if a survey on natural resources is carried out on the ocean space where China has the jurisdiction", checking the movement which Vietnam and India were advancing.

It is interesting to compare China’s position regarding a similar territorial dispute with Japan over the right to explore the gas field in East China Sea - the Chunxiao gas field.

