2014年11月21日 星期五


Yesterday the Asahi News on-line reported the following:
円安ウォン高、苦境の韓国 日本との輸出競争力が低下

The South Korea’s economy had been troubled by the strong Won and weak Yen. This was accelerated further when on October 31 the Bank of Japan opted for additional money market relaxation; its power to fight with rivals for the world markets and with the Japanese companies fell relatively. It would pursue and attack areas where export competitiveness had been weakened due to the strong Won in relation to the Dollar.

President Park Geun-hye in the G20 summit meeting expressed concern that "a deviation in currency value by major industrialized countries may become a burden for the economy of some newly emerging countries", and subtly criticized the financial policy of the Bank of Japan of November 16. Furthermore, to check this, she said that "noting that the economic and currency policies of advanced nations only give consideration to their own country’s situation, there is a possibility that this may generate negative effects on newly emerging countries, and in return have a bad influence on the economy of the advanced nations".

According to the Korea Exchange Bank, on October 30th the day before the Bank of Japan opted for further easing its monetary policy, the price was 100 Yen = 967.46 Won. However, starting from the next day the 31st, strong Won and weak Yen continued and on November 19 it became 100 yen = 943.22 Won. A South Korean private think-tank the "Contemporary Economic Research Institute" in October had released an analysis saying that the export of South Korea next year would decrease 8.8%, if the Yen to Won rate became 900 Won.

As Japan is having its own economic problems, it seems that the “currency war” between Japan and South Korea will continue in the months to come.

