2014年8月20日 星期三

日本老師: 工作時間最長 自我評価低

A few weeks ago the NHK News on-line reported the following:

日本の教員 勤務時間最長 自己評価低い

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An international research was performed on the service of teachers and their teaching environment in schools. It showed that while the office-hour of Japanese teachers was about 54 hours in a week, being the longest in the participating countries and areas, their self-valuation was low.

The OECD - Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development conducted this investigation on 34 countries and areas last year.

Japan participated in the investigation for the first time, principals and teachers of about 3700 people from junior high schools answered it.

In it, on the question about office-hour per week, the Japanese teacher was 53.9 hours, being the longest among the participating countries and areas, and above the average by 1.4 times.

Although the teaching-hour was 17.7 which was shorter than the average 19.3 hours, when individual items were seen, extracurricular activities such as part activity went up to 7.7 hours which was three times as much as the average, and the time of clerical work was also about twice of the average.

On the other hand, it was low on self-valuation on class management and course teaching etc., especially on the percentage of the teachers who judged highly that they could give guiding instruction "to encourage students’ critical thinking", and instruction "to encourage student to have the confidence to learn". It was on average about one out of five.

Furthermore, over 80 percent of the teachers answered that they could not participate in training because their work schedule could not fitted into it. The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology said that "due to a wide range of business overlapping, the teaching of children cannot be focused; the reality that ability developments could not be sufficiently carried out had been highlighted. I plan on beefing up the organization, such as to have more teachers".

    It seems that improvement in education is needed in order to improve the teaching quality in Japan.

