2014年4月20日 星期日


Last month the NHK New on-line reported the following:

トヨタ インドネシアからの輸出本格化

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Toyota Motor would in earnest export to the Middle East its passenger cars produced in Indonesia, and invited the Saudi Arabia ambassador and others who were residing in Indonesia to a commemorative ceremony held by the company.

In March last year Toyota Motor built a 2nd factory at the site of its car assembly plant located in a suburb of Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia to increase the volume of production.

From now on the exportation of passenger cars into the Middle East was formalized. A commemorative ceremony was held on the 26th (March). The Saudi Arabia ambassador and the Yemen ambassador etc. together with representatives from eight Middle Eastern countries and areas who were residing in Indonesia were invited.

Toyota was planning to make Indonesia the base of export on a par with Thailand. First of all, it intended to set the export from Indonesia to about 80,000 cars while last year was 60,000 cars.

Rutofi the commercial Minister of Indonesia who had attended the ceremony welcomed the promotion of export and exchanged a joke that "it is not only exporting cars, but is also exporting traffic congestion which Indonesia was famous for" etc.

Indonesia Toyota Chairman Hiroyuki Fukui said that "the Toyota group accounts for 70 percent of the car export in Indonesia, and is contributing to the Indonesia economy considerably", and he showed the idea to continue to increase the export.

In Indonesia, Honda also completed its 2nd factory in January this year. Also, Nissan Motor would increase its annual volume of production to 250,000 cars in the year after next. All companies were hurrying to reinforce their production capacity.

  It seems that Japan is shifting its investment to the South-east Asian countries, probably from China.

