2014年4月14日 星期一


Last month the Mainichi News on-line reported the following:

中国全人代:治安維持費6.1%増 不満、力で抑え込み

毎日新聞 20140305日 2208
At the National People's Congress (N P C = the Parliament) opened on the 5th (March), Xi Jinping’s Guidance Department of China calculated that for the 2014 fiscal year, the central government's "public safety" draft budget for the maintenance of domestic public order would add up to 205 billion yuan (about 3,400 billion yen), being an increase of 6.1% compared with the actual record of last fiscal year. It made clear a plan to use power to suppress the dissatisfaction towards the gap between the wealthy and poor, and towards the repressive policy over the minority ethnic groups.
In China, protest activities by the public who were angry with the compulsory expropriation of land, the bureaucrat decomposition, and the pollution problems were increasing every year. Also there were lots of violence incidents, and cases of suicide by fire by ethnic minorities, such as the Uighur people and the Tibet people. Increasingly social instability is becoming serious.

     A 6.1% increase is a huge amount of money.


CNN.co.jp on 13th April 2014 carried the following article. For record purpose I copy it to my blog for reference and to trace the development of the China’ Dream.

2014.04.13 Sun posted at 18:15 JST
北京(CNN) 米国人の誰もが「アメリカン・ドリーム」を夢見るように、中国人にも夢がある。習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席は、指導者の座について以来、このような「中国の夢」について熱弁してきた。庶民の夢について、中国でこれほど強力かつ雄弁に語られるのは、かつてないことだ。









"Chinese Dream", fantasy or reality
2014.04.13 Sun posted at 18:15 JST

Beijing (CNN)   Just as every American had an "American Dream", every Chinese  also had a dream. Xi Jinping the State Chairman, since taking up the leadership, had been spiel about such "Chinese Dream". In China it had never been so powerfully and eloquently in talking about the common people's dream.

Xi first mentioned “the dream of China” in 2012, shortly after he became the General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party. After visiting the “Recovery Road” exhibition at Beijing's National Museum, Mr. Xi made a talk and stated that it was China's dream to realize the great recovery of Chinese people.

In addition, on March 17, 2013, after being elected as the Chairman of the State, in his first speech as the Chairman, he pushed "the dream of China" to the front. "The dream of China was the dream of the whole nation, and the dream of each individual Chinese. The dream of China was, in other words, the dream of the people. It was said that the dream would be realized with the people and would bring happiness to the people."

Promotional campaign
Since this speech, the word "China's dream" had at once became a popular phrase among the population.  The government’s forceful promotion of this slogan was huge. "China's Dream" was taken up as a central theme everywhere, such as in academic societies and television programs.

As far as anti-corruption measures were concerned, it could be said that the Chairman himself was true to the words of this slogan. Cracking down corruption as never before, he investigated and punished 20 high-ranking government officials in less than a year. Furthermore, the government adopted the "Rule on eight items " and the "Ban on six items" to simplify public affairs and prohibit luxurious charging on public spending.

However, injustices such as bribery, official position trading, land raising, abuse of power were still the biggest issues in Chinese society. In the midst of injustice, even the dream was realized, the people went the other way in not trusting the government.

Regain trust
 China had put in great effort on economic and military power; while the well-being of the general population was getting better, people seemed to be losing confidence in the future of the government and the country. It seems that more Chinese were angry and desperate.

The leader of China had stated that “China's dream” and was taking measures against corruption, he has taken the first step as a leader for the purpose of regaining the people's trust in the Party and the government. So far, the policies of the Chairman had received enthusiastic support. Perhaps, since Deng Xiaoping, he was the most popular leader among the people.

However, if people's dreams depend on one leader, it might not be the rule of law. So, when a leader resigned or made a wrong decision, together the China's dream would dwindle away.

Now that a massive support from the people had been received, the Chairman should start reforming the system and develop a people-centered system so that all Chinese could have their dreams come true. The goal of reform was not only the development of political economy. Just as Americans took pride in the American Dream, Chinese people were looking for a future where they could have true pride in the China dream.

