2014年2月10日 星期一


Last month the Asahi News on-line reported the following:

買ったはずの蔵書が消える 電子書籍、企業撤退相次ぎ

     Books which you bought with much trouble for collection would disappear - a situation began to surface in the world of digital books where books bought were without paper. It was because many contracts stipulated that even if one had bought a digital book it did not become "your own property" and there was a situation that it became impossible to read it due to the closure of the company etc. The electronic bookstores were now in a flooding state and there was a possibility that their “withdrawal would continue” (the publication people concerned). The voice to ask the entrepreneur for accountability was also likely to become strong.
    The exceptional response of Lawson’s withdrawal from the digital book enterprise had become the center of attention. It was because they would end their service in late February, and announced that all the previous purchase would be refunded to buyers in point form which could be used like cash at Lawson etc.

    The same was for the service of the mechanism that provided reading book service in the server through the network. Although there was an advantage that the books "purchased" could be read anywhere, when the service was ended, the book would disappear.

It is a new problem for the digital book company owners to tackle.

