2012年8月6日 星期一

神奈川藤沢市沿岸建12.5 公尺高海嘯避難塔

Last month the FNN on-line reported the following


A tsunami refuge tower for protecting both coastal residents and sea bathers from tsunami at Fujisawa city, Kanagawa was completed.

The tsunami refuge tower announced on the 1st (July) had a the total cost of production of about 35 million yen, and was installed by the Kanagawa Prefecture

The tower had a steel frame in the form of an observation tower, and the stage had an altitude of 12.5 meters; it had a space that could cater for about 100 people to take refuge.

Moreover, when an earthquake that had an intensity starting from lower 5 on the Japanese intensity scale occurred, a lamp would be turned on to tell sea bathers about the danger. A person who had visited it said "I think in case of emergency, I can escape in a hurry together with my child. It would be safe".

According to the Kanagawa Prefecture it was opened as an observatory platform in the daytime, and it was said that the scene of Shonan could be enjoyed. The prefecture supposed it would be a model for coastal districts and would like to aim at promoting the installation of the towers.

I hope the tower could reduce casualty when a tsunami hits.

