2011年2月21日 星期一


Recently the NHK News reported the following:
Noting the anti-government demonstrations that had continued in various parts of the Middle East, in China in cities, meetings that appealed for political reforms were called; many people gathered in Beijing etc. on the 20th, images in the NHK's overseas Television Broadcasting that passed on the news of this gathering were intercepted inside China on the night of the 21st; it was possible to note the nervousness of the Chinese government.
It was the image of the "World Premium " of NHK's overseas Television Broadcasting that was intercepted in China. Noting that anti-government demonstrations were staged in various parts of the Middle East, through the Internet, meetings that appealed for political reforms were called to be held on the 20th in 13 Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. Temporarily many people gathered around the place where the meeting was called and people's appeal were noted in Beijing and Shanghai. The images in the "World Premium" that passed on this news were intercepted in China for over two minutes on the 21st at night, and it was not possible to view the images. Last year when the pro-democracy activist and writer Liu Xiaobo won the Nobel Peace Prize, similar response was taken by China. Media in China hardly talked about the confusion in Beijing and Shanghai up to now, and it was possible to note the nervousness of the Chinese government over the spread of information in the Internet about the anti-government demonstrations influence seen in various locations in the Middle East would affect China.

The appeal for political reforms will continue if the the top leaders continue to turn a blind eye to the request.

