2024年11月30日 星期六

世界上最古老的書寫系統可能起源於神秘、未破解的符號 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

World’s oldest writing system may have its origins in mysterious, undeciphered symbols (2/2)

Ashley Strickland, CNN

Thu, November 7, 2024 at 12:26 a.m. GMT+8·7 min read


Establishing an ancient link

Such similar depictions in seals and proto-cuneiform signs indicate a close relationship between the two, said Eckart Frahm, the John M. Musser Professor of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Yale University. Frahm was not involved in the study.

“The article does this for the first time, establishing persuasively that a number of (proto-cuneiform) signs have iconographically close parallels in the image repertoire of the seals,” Frahm said. “Even more ambitiously, the authors seek to show, through a contextual analysis, that clusters of images on seals can be found in similar configurations on inscribed clay tablets.”

It’s apparent that ancient Mesopotamians used the seals alongside writing for thousands of years, so one form of documentation wasn’t just naturally replaced by the other.

The team is now eager to investigate what kinds of products were carried within the vessels in nets, and why the imagery endured over such a large geographic area for so many centuries — and why the exchanges were important enough to be documented on clay tablets.

Previously, researchers thought that plain tokens contributed to the system for numerals used in proto-cuneiform signs, while complex tokens bearing incisions and other markings were the basis for the nonnumerical signs, but that turned out not to be the case, said Dr. J. Cale Johnson, professor of the history of knowledge in the ancient world at Freie Universität Berlin. Johnson was not involved in the new study.

“This gap in the origin story — where do the nonnumerical proto-cuneiform signs come from — was left unresolved,” Johnson said. “Although people have often said that the images of the nonnumerical sign must be coming from seal (glyphs) or some other kind of representation, there has been very little work to concretely identify precursors. But this paper is an important step in identifying those concrete precursors.”

Deciphering unknown symbols

The more researchers uncover about ancient cities such as Uruk and the connections between the iconography ancient civilizations used, the more they may be able to decipher the hundreds of unknown proto-cuneiform pictographs, the study authors said.

“In view of the stylized and often abstract nature of many proto-cuneiform signs — a strong contrast with the much more picture-like Egyptian hieroglyphs — a full consensus on what these signs represent and where they originated will probably never be reached, but that does not mean one shouldn’t try to explore the issue,” Frahm said.

Writing seems like a necessary technology that would naturally develop over time, but it was only invented independently — without knowledge of the existence of writing — a few times in world history, Ferrara said.

“So, it has long been a question of interest what social and technological conditions encouraged the conceptual, cognitive leaps that resulted in written language,” Ferrara said. “While the jury is still out on how much language coding the earliest phase of cuneiform actually has, importantly, it led to ‘true’ writing within a few centuries, so the invention of proto-cuneiform is a watershed.”

Understanding that motifs from seals are directly related to the pictographs that would eventually lay the foundation for the first writing system shows how meaning was transferred from motifs to script, the study authors said.

“The conceptual leap from pre-writing symbolism to writing is a significant development in human cognitive technologies,” Ferrara said. “The invention of writing marks the transition between prehistory and history, and the findings of this study bridge this divide by illustrating how some late prehistoric images were incorporated into one of the earliest invented writing systems.”


世界上最古老的書寫系統可能起源於神秘、未破解的符號 (2/2)



耶魯大學近東語言與文明教授 Eckart Frahm 表示,在印章中和原始楔形文字的類似表達方式表明兩者之間存在密切關係。Frahm沒有參與這項研究。

Frahm說: “這篇研究報告首次做到了這一點,即令人信服地證明許多(原始楔形文字)符號與印章的圖像庫具有密切的相似。” “更雄心勃勃的是,作者試圖通過上下文分析來表明,印章上的圖像簇可以在銘刻的粘土板上找到類似的結構。”


該團隊現在急於調查網中的容器內攜帶了哪些類型的產品,以及為什麼這些圖像在如此闊大的地理區域內持續了幾個世紀 - 以及為什麼這些交易如此重要以至於需要記錄在泥板上。

柏林自由大學(Freie Universität Berlin)古代世界知識史的教授J. Cale Johnson 表示,此前研究人員認為簡單的標記對於原始楔形文字符號中使用的數字系統有幫助,而帶有切口和其他標記的複雜符號是非數字符號的基礎,但事實並非如此。Johnson沒有參與這項新研究。

Johnson: 「故事起源這一個空白 - 非數字原始楔形文字符號是從何而來 - 尚未被拆解」; 「儘管人們經常說非數字符號的圖像一定來自印章(字形)或其他某種表示形式,但紮實地去識別有先驅性的工作卻很少見到。但這篇論文是識別那些非數字的實際前身重要一步」。



Frahm: 「鑑於許多原始楔形文字符號是被簡化並變得抽象 - 與更具圖片性的埃及象形文字形成鮮明對比 - 關於這些符號代表的含義及其起源可能永遠不會達成完全共識,但並不意味著人們不應該嘗試探索這個問題」。

Ferrara說,書寫似乎是一種隨著時間的推移而自然發展的必要技術,但在世界歷史上,它只是在沒有現成書寫的情況下, 幾次被獨立地發明。

Ferrara說: “因此,長期以來人們感興趣的一個問題是,什麼樣的社會和技術條件促進了概念和認知的飛躍,從而產生了書面語言; “雖然對於楔形文字最早階段實際上有多少語言符号尚無定論,但重要的是,它在幾個世紀內導致了 ‘真正’的書寫,因此原始楔形文字的發明是一個分水嶺。”


Ferrara: 「從有文字前的符號飛躍到寫字的概念, 是人類認知技術的重大發展」; 「文字的發明標誌著從史前到有歷史之間的過渡,這項研究的結果駁通這鴻溝, 說明一些晚期史前圖像是如何被納入最早發明的書寫系統之一」。

So, while people have often said that the images of the nonnumerical sign must be coming from seal (glyphs) or some other kind of representation, there has been very little work to concretely identify precursors. Indeed, different culture has developed different writing systems, they may have different paths to achieve that goal. For example, in Asia the Chinese have developed their own writing system which is totally different from those invented in Europe.

2024年11月28日 星期四

世界上最古老的書寫系統可能起源於神秘、未破解的符號 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

World’s oldest writing system may have its origins in mysterious, undeciphered symbols (1/2)

Ashley Strickland, CNN

Thu, November 7, 2024 at 12:26 a.m. GMT+8·7 min read

Researchers have uncovered links between the precursor to the world’s oldest writing system and the mysterious, intricate designs left behind by engraved cylindrical seals that were rolled across clay tablets about 6,000 years ago.

Scholars consider cuneiform the first writing system, and humans used its wedge-shaped characters to inscribe ancient languages such as Sumerian on clay tablets beginning around 3400 BC. The writing system is thought to have originated from Mesopotamia, the region where the world’s earliest known civilization developed that’s now modern-day Iraq.

Before cuneiform, however, there was an archaic script using abstract pictographic signs called proto-cuneiform. It first appeared around 3350 to 3000 BC in the city of Uruk, in modern southern Iraq.

But the origins of proto-cuneiform’s emergence have been murky, and many of its symbols remain undeciphered.

Researchers conducting a careful analysis of proto-cuneiform symbols were surprised to uncover similarities when they studied the engravings of cylinder seals invented in Uruk in 4400 BC and used to imprint motifs on soft clay. Not only do some of the symbols match exactly, but they also appear to convey the same meanings in relation to ancient transactions and trade.

A study detailing the similarities was published Tuesday in the journal Antiquity.

“Our findings demonstrate that the designs engraved on cylinder seals are directly connected to the development of proto-cuneiform in southern Iraq,” said study coauthor Silvia Ferrara, a professor in the department of classical philology and Italian studies at the University of Bologna. “They also show how the meaning originally associated with these designs was integrated into a writing system.”

The results of the analysis could change the way scholars understand how writing was invented, and what it suggests about the advancements of ancient civilizations that developed technologies such as accounting and writing thousands of years ago.

From accounting to writing

Uruk, now known as Warka, was one of the earliest cities to arise in Mesopotamia, and it served as a center of cultural influence that could be traced from what is now southwest Iran to southeast Turkey.

The ancient metropolis is where cylinder seals were invented and used for administrative purposes.

Seal-cutters engraved designs on the cylinders, which could then be rolled across wet clay to transfer the motifs. A preliterate society widely used the seals in an early accounting system that helped track the production, storage and movement of crops and textiles. The motifs on the seals acted as an early form of branding to identify commodities, according to the study authors.

In addition to the seals, the accounting systems, which developed during the fourth millennium BC, also physically documented the trade of goods using tags, numerical tablets, tokens and clay balls called bullae.

Researchers have long thought that proto-cuneiform developed from these early accounting methods, but there was no definitive link to show how the transition occurred. And unlike the cylinder seals, the hundreds of iconographic signs attributed to proto-cuneiform have only ever been found on tablets in southern Iraq.

“The close relationship between ancient sealing and the invention of writing in southwest Asia has long been (recognized), but the relationship between specific seal images and sign shapes has hardly been explored,” Ferrara said. “This was our starting question: Did seal imagery contribute significantly to the invention of signs in the first writing in the region?”

The team systematically compared motifs from the cylinder seals with proto-cuneiform pictographs to see whether any of them correlated in both shape and meaning. The researchers anticipated making marginal and indirect connections, but instead they identified seal images that appeared to directly transform into proto-cuneiform signs, suggesting that seals played a role in the developments that led to the birth of the first writing system, Ferrara said.

The images with the strongest connection related to the transport of jars and cloth, said lead study author Kathryn Kelley, a research fellow in the department of classical philology and Italian studies at the University of Bologna. The symbols showed images of fringed textiles and vessels being carried in nets, many of which are moving toward building facades. The exchanges of these items occurred between or within different cities and likely involved various temples, so the seals and tablets helped document the transactions, according to the study authors.

“We focused on seal imagery that originated before the invention of writing, while continuing to develop into the proto-literate period,” said Kelley and study coauthor Mattia Cartolano, research fellow at the University of Bologna, in a joint statement. “This approach allowed us to identify a series of designs related to the transport of textiles and pottery, which later evolved into corresponding proto-cuneiform signs.”

(to be continued)


世界上最古老的書寫系統可能起源於神秘、未破解的符號 (1/2)

研究人員發現了世界上最古老書寫系統的前身, 與留下在大約 6,000 年前轆在泥板上的封印的神秘而複雜的雕刻圓柱形設計之間的聯繫。

學者認為楔形文字是第一個書寫系統,從公元前 3,400 年左右開始,人類就用楔形文字在泥板上刻下了蘇美語等古代語言。這種書寫系統被認為起源於美索不達米亞,該地區是世界上已知最早文明發展的地區,即現在的伊拉克。

然而,在楔形文字之前,有一種使用抽象象形符號的古老文字,稱為原始楔形文字。它於公元前 3,350 年至 3,000 年左右首次出現在現代伊拉克南部的Uruk市。


研究人員對原始楔形文字符號進行了仔細分析,當他們研究公元前 4,400 Uruk發明的圓柱印章,及刻於軟粘土上印製圖案時,他們驚訝地發現了相似之處。有些符號不僅完全吻合,而且在關乎古代交易和貿易上, 它們似乎也傳達了相同的含義。


研究共同作者、Bologna大學古典語言學和義大利研究系教授Silvia Ferrara 表示:我們的研究結果表明,刻在圓柱形印章上的圖案與伊拉克南部原始楔文字的發展直接相關」。 「它們還展示了最初與這些設計相關的含義是如何溶合到書寫系統中」。








Ferrara說: “古代印章與西南亞文字發明之間的密切關係早已被人們(承認),但具體的印章圖像與符號形狀之間的關係卻幾乎沒有被探索過。” “這是我們第一個問題:印章圖像對該地區第一個文字中的符號的發明有重大貢獻嗎?”


該研究的主要作者、Bologna大學古典語言學和義大利研究系研究員Kathryn Kelley表示,有最緊密聯繫的圖像是與罐子和布料的運輸有關。這些符號顯示了流蘇紡織品和容器用網子運送的圖像,其中許多正在移向建築物外牆。研究作者表示,這些物品的交換發生在不同城市之間或城市內部,並可能涉及不同的寺廟,因此印章和石板有助於記錄交易。

Kelley和研究合著者, Bologna大學研究員Mattia Cartolano在聯合聲明中表示: 「我們關注的是起源於文字發明之前的印章圖像,同時繼續發展到原始文字時期」。 「這種方法使我們能夠識別出一系列與紡織品和陶器運輸相關的設計,這些設計後來演變成相應的原始楔形文字符號」。



1. Cuneiform (楔形文字,又名釘頭字或箭頭字) is a logo-syllabic writing system that was used to write several languages of the Ancient Near East. The script was in active use from the early Bronze Age until the beginning of the Common Era. Cuneiform scripts are marked by and named for the characteristic wedge-shaped impressions which form their signs. Cuneiform is the earliest known writing system and was originally developed to write the Sumerian language of southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq). Over the course of its history, cuneiform was adapted to write several languages in addition to Sumerian. (Wikipedia)

2024年11月26日 星期二


Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

China to unveil J-35A stealth fighter jet as air force aims to match US aerial power

Simone McCarthy, CNN

Tue, November 5, 2024 at 4:51 p.m. GMT+8·3 min read

China’s air force is set to officially debut its new stealth fighter jet, the J-35A, giving observers the first look at a highly anticipated asset that adds to the country’s fast growing military capabilities.

The fighter, an image of which was released during an air force press conference Tuesday, will appear at an air show in the southern city of Zhuhai next week, officials said.

The development of the jet is widely seen as part of Beijing’s bid to match the United States’ stealth fighter capabilities – as it pushes to modernize its armed forces and assert its military might in Asia.

The J-35A is “designed mainly for air combat operations and can also conduct air-to-surface attack,” according to a report from a Chinese military-affiliated outlet.

If the aircraft is commissioned into operation, it would make China the second country after the US to have two types of stealth fighter jets, according to experts cited by Chinese state media.

China’s J-20 stealth fighter entered service in 2017, officials said at the time.

Stealth fighters are those that are designed to evade radar and other monitoring to conduct missions without being detected or intercepted.

The J-35 is likely to be designed as a series and may also be used as carrier-based aircraft in the future, Chinese military expert Li Li told state broadcaster CCTV. This would “greatly improve the overall strength of China’s sea and air combat,” she said.

The fighter’s debut follows what analysts at Janes global open-source intelligence firm have described as China’s “bolstering” of its forward theater commands with additional J-20s.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Air Force between July 2023 and this June inducted more than 70 J-20s, bringing the force’s operational fleet up to approximately 195, according to a Janes report published earlier this year.

It’s not clear when the new J-35A fighter would be commissioned into military use and where the fighters would be deployed.

The sparse details released about the fighter so far also make it difficult to compare with other stealth fighters, including the US’ F-22 and F-35.

Carl Schuster, a former director of operations at the US Pacific Command’s Joint Intelligence Center, said the J-35A, which has been in development for more than 10 years, was likely intended for the PLA Navy.

“The J-35 made its maiden flight in 2021, but as a derivative of an earlier prototype, it may be ready for production by early next year,” Schuster said, adding that the J-35A model likely improved on that earlier design with more powerful engines.

China’s development of stealth fighters has for years been dogged by accusations that it stole crucial stealth fighter technology from the US.

Beijing has vigorously denied those claims, which came to light with the 2015 publication by German magazine Der Spiegel of documents purportedly from US National Security Agency leaker Edward Snowden.

The J-35A is a “new type of stealth fighter jet independently developed by Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC),” a Chinese military affiliated outlet said this week.

China’s J-35A is not the only technology that will be on show for the first time at next week’s airshow, which takes place in Zhuhai from November 12 to 17.

The H-19 surface-to-air missile system and new “reconnaissance and strike” UAVs will also have their public debut, Col. Niu Wenbo of the air force’s equipment department said Tuesday.

CCTV has also reported that Russia’s Su-57 stealth fighter would join the air show for the first time, among equipment from 49 different countries and regions that would be represented this year.



中國空軍新型隱形戰鬥機 J-35A即將正式亮相,讓觀察家們首次看到這一備受期待的資產,它增強了中國快速增長的軍事能力。







中國軍事專家Li Li告訴國營中央電視台,J-35很可能被設計成一個系列,未來也可能被用作艦載機。她說,這將「大大提高中國海空作戰的整體實力」。

在這款戰鬥機首次亮相之前,珍氏全球開源情報公司的分析師稱,中國通過增加 J-20 來「支持」其前線戰區司令部。

根據珍氏今年稍早發布的一份報告,中國人民解放軍(PLA) 空軍在2023 7 月至今年6 月期間列裝了70 多架J-20,使該部隊的作戰機隊數量達到約195 架。

目前尚不清楚新型 J-35A 戰鬥機何時投入軍事用途以及這些戰鬥機將部署在哪裡。

到目前為止,有關該戰鬥機的詳細資訊很少,因此很難與其他隱形戰鬥機進行比較,包括美國的 F-22 F-35

美國太平洋司令部聯合情報中心前作戰主任Carl Schuster表示,J-35A 的研發超過 10 年,很可能是為解放軍海軍設計的。

Schuster表示:「J-35 2021 年進行了首飛,但作為早期原型機的衍生品,它可能會在明年初準備好生產」。他補充說,J-35A 型號可能會在早期設計的基礎上改用更強大的引擎。


德國雜誌《明鏡周刊》2015年公佈了據稱來自美國國家安全局洩密者Edward Snowden的文件,把這一說法被曝光。北京方面極力否認這些說法。



空軍裝備部Niu Wenbo大校週二表示,H-19地對空飛彈系統和新型「偵察打擊」無人機也將首次公開亮相。


              So, China’s air force is set to officially debut its new stealth fighter jet, the J-35A, giving observers the first look at a highly anticipated asset. If the aircraft is commissioned into operation, it would make China the second country after the US to have two types of stealth fighter jets. Apparently, China is increasing its military capabilities.


1. Janes (珍氏, 詹氏, 簡氏)is a global open-source intelligence company specializing in military, national security, aerospace and transport topics, whose name derives from British author Fred T. Jane. Jane's Information Group was founded in 1898 by Fred T. Jane, who had begun sketching ships as an enthusiast naval artist while living in Portsmouth. (Wikipedia)

2. An unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), or unmanned aircraft system (UAS), commonly known as a drone, is an aircraft with no human pilot, crew, or passenger on board.

2024年11月25日 星期一


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

Chinese solar firms, ever-nimble, go further afield where US tariffs don't reach (2/2)

Mon, November 4, 2024 at 7:02 a.m. GMT+8·7 min read

Reuters - By Lewis Jackson, Phuong Nguyen, Colleen Howe and Nichola Groom



The most immediate visible impact of the latest U.S. tariffs, which have brought total duties to more than 300% for some producers, has been in Vietnam's solar sector.

In August, Reuters visited industrial parks in northern Vietnam owned by Chinese-owned companies including Longi and Trina Solar, and spoke with workers.

In Bac Giang province, hundreds of workers at a large factory complex owned by Longi Green Energy Technology's Vinasolar unit lost their jobs this year, two employees with knowledge of the matter said.

The company was using just one of nine production lines in the industrial park, one of them said.

In Thai Nguyen, another province, Trina Solar has idled one of its two factories making solar cells and panels, two employees there said.

The employees at both companies declined to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Longi did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. It said in June it had suspended output at a Vietnamese solar cell plant but did not provide details. Trina declined to comment. It said in June that some facilities in Vietnam and Thailand would be shut down for maintenance without elaborating.

While U.S. solar import data shows shipments from Vietnam up almost 74% through August, industry analysts have attributed the jump to the frontloading of exports to get ahead of this year's U.S. tariffs.

Vietnam's government did not respond to requests for comment.


Chinese solar companies are flocking to Indonesia motivated by the tariffs on Vietnam, according to Indonesian industry ministry official Beny Adi Purwanto who cited Thornova Solar as an example. Thornova says on its website its Indonesian plant has annual capacity to build 2.5 GW of solar modules and 2.5 GW of solar cells for the North American market.

A new 1 GW Trina module and cell plant will be fully operational by end 2024 and will expand capacity, according to Beny. He noted China Lesso Group's solar module plant which [sic] has 2.4 GW in production capacity.

China-linked New East Solar also announced a 3.5 GW panel and cell plant in Indonesia last year.

The Chinese companies did not respond to Reuters requests for comment.

The shift to Indonesian production has been sharp and swift, according to one manager at a U.S. solar firm who was told by their Chinese supplier in Indonesia that they're inundated with big orders from major Chinese firms looking to export to the United States.

"The scale is totally different," said the manager who declined to be identified.

Solar exports from Indonesia to the U.S. nearly doubled to $246 million through August of 2024, according to federal data.

Solar companies seeking greener pastures in Laos include Imperial Star Solar. The firm, which has Chinese roots but most of its production in Cambodia, opened a Laos wafer plant in March slated to eventually have 4 GW in capacity.

The move, it said in a statement at the time, helped it sidestep U.S. tariffs.

SolarSpace also opened a 5 GW solar cell plant in Laos in September 2023. The primary purpose of transferring production capacity to Laos was not related to U.S. tariffs, the company said in a statement to Reuters but did not elaborate.

Solar exports from Laos to the U.S. were non-existent in the first eight months of last year but were worth some $48 million through August of 2024.

Others are going further afield.

JinkoSolar said in July it had signed an almost $1 billion deal with partners in Saudi Arabia to build a new 10 GW solar cell and module plant in the kingdom.

Construction of U.S. solar-manufacturing plants by Chinese companies is also surging as they too seek to take advantage of U.S. incentives.

Chinese companies will have at least 20 GW worth of annual solar panel production capacity on U.S. soil within the next year, enough to serve about half the U.S. market, according to a Reuters analysis.





美國最新關稅使部分生產商的稅總額超過 300%, 對越南太陽能產業造成最即時見到的影響。

8月,路透社參觀了LongiTrina Solar等中資企業在越南北部擁有的工業園區,並與工人進行了交談。

兩名知情員工表示,在Bac Giang省,擁有的大型工廠綜合體的Longi綠色能源技術公司的Vinasolar部門今年有數百名工人失業。


在另一個省Thai NguyenTrina Solar的兩名員工表示,該公司已停用其兩家間生產太陽能電池和電池板的工廠其中一間。


Longi沒有回應路透社的置評請求。該公司6月表示已暫停越南一家太陽能電池工廠的生產,但沒有提供細節。Trina Solar拒絕置評。該公司6月表示,越南和泰國的一些設施將被關閉進行維修,但沒有詳細說明。

儘管美國太陽能進口數據顯示,截至 8 月份,越南的出貨量增加了近 74%,但產業分析師將這一增長歸因於為趕在今年美國關稅之前的提前出口。



印尼工業部官員Beny Adi PurwantoThornova Solar為例表示,受越南關稅的牽動,中國太陽能企業紛紛湧入印尼。 Thornova在網站上表示,其印尼工廠每年有能力為北美市場生產2.5吉瓦的太陽能模組和2.5吉瓦的太陽能電池。

Beny 表示,新的 1 GW Trina光能組件和電池工廠將於 2024 年底全面投入運營,並將擴大產能。他指出,中國Lesso集團的太陽能模組工廠產能為2.4吉瓦。

與中國有聯繫的New East Solar去年也宣佈在印尼建造 3.5 吉瓦的電池板和電池工廠。


一家美國太陽能公司的一位經理表示,轉向印尼生產是速迅的, 他被位於印尼的中國供應商告知,他們被那些希望出口到美國的中國大公司大訂單所淹沒。


根據聯邦數據,截至 2024 8 月,印尼對美國的太陽能出口幾乎翻了一番,達到 2.46 億美元。

在寮國尋求更廣闊發展前景的太陽能公司包括Imperial Star Solar。該公司紮根中國,但大部分生產在柬埔寨,於 3 月在寮國開設了一家晶圓廠,預計最終產能達到 4 吉瓦。


SolarSpace也於20239月在寮國開設了一座5吉瓦的太陽能電池工廠。 該公司在給路透社的聲明中表示,將產能轉移到寮國的主要目的與美國關稅無關,但沒有詳細說明。

在去年的頭 8 個月,寮國向美國的太陽能出口尚未出現,但今年至 2024 8 月,價值約 4,800 萬美元。


JinkoSolar 7月表示,已與沙地阿拉伯的合作夥伴簽署了一項近10億美元的協議,將在該國建造一座新的10吉瓦太陽能電池和組件工廠。



              So, China accounts for about 80% of the world's solar shipments, while its export hubs elsewhere in Asia make up much of the rest. That is a sharp contrast to two decades ago when the U.S. was a global leader in the industry. While almost none came directly from China in 2023, some 80% came from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia, from factories owned by Chinese firms. While some Chinese companies are moving to Laos and Indonesia, the construction of solar-manufacturing plants by Chinese companies inside the US is also surging as they try to take advantage of U.S. incentives. I am wondering what further action the American can take to protect its solar-manufacturing industry.

2024年11月23日 星期六

中國太陽能企業永遠靈活,走到美國關稅鞭長莫及的更遠地區 (1/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

Chinese solar firms, ever-nimble, go further afield where US tariffs don't reach (1/2)

Mon, November 4, 2024 at 7:02 a.m. GMT+8·7 min read

By Lewis Jackson, Phuong Nguyen, Colleen Howe and Nichola Groom

(Reuters) - Some of the biggest Chinese-owned solar factories in Vietnam are cutting production and laying off workers, spurred on by the expansion of U.S. trade tariffs targeting it and three other Southeast Asian countries.

Meanwhile, in nearby Indonesia and Laos, a slew of new Chinese-owned solar plants are popping up, out of the reach of Washington's trade protections. Their planned capacity is enough to supply about half the panels installed in the U.S. last year, Reuters reporting shows.

Chinese solar firms have repeatedly shrunk output in existing hubs while building new factories in other countries, allowing them to sidestep tariffs and dominate the U.S. and global markets despite successive waves of U.S. tariffs over more than a decade designed to rein them in.

While Chinese firms have been moving their solar manufacturing for years, the scope of the shift to Indonesia and Laos in this latest phase has not previously been reported. More than a dozen people in five countries, including employees at Chinese plants, officials at non-Chinese solar companies and lawyers were interviewed for this article.

"It's a huge cat and mouse game," said William A. Reinsch, a former trade official in the Clinton administration and senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

"It's not that hard to move. You set up and you play the game again. The design of the rules is such that the U.S. is usually one step behind."

China accounts for about 80% of the world's solar shipments, while its export hubs elsewhere in Asia make up much of the rest, according to SPV Market Research. That's a sharp contrast to two decades ago when the U.S. was a global leader in the industry.

America's imports of solar supplies, meanwhile, have tripled since Washington began imposing its tariffs in 2012, hitting a record $15 billion last year, according to federal data. While almost none came directly from China in 2023, some 80% came from Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia – home to factories owned by Chinese firms.

Washington slapped tariffs on solar exports from those four Southeast Asia nations last year and expanded them in October following complaints from manufacturers in the United States.

Over the last 18 months, at least four Chinese or China-linked projects have begun operations in Indonesia and Laos, and another two have been announced. Together, the projects total 22.9 gigawatts (GW) in solar cell or panel capacity.

Much of that production will be sold in the United States, the world's second-biggest solar market after China and one of the most lucrative. U.S. prices have on average been 40% higher than those in China over the past four years, according to data from PVinsights.

U.S. solar producers have repeatedly stated in trade complaints lodged with the U.S. government that they can't compete with cheap Chinese products that they say are unfairly supported by subsidies from the Chinese government and the Asian countries they export from.

Chinese solar firms have countered that their mastery of the technology makes them more competitive on price.

Tariffs are a key theme in the U.S. election, with Republican former President Donald Trump proposing levies on all U.S. imports to stimulate U.S. manufacturing, including a 60% rate on any goods from China. His rival, Democrat Vice President Kamala Harris has said Trump's plan would raise costs for U.S. consumers.

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, however, have shown support for tougher tariffs on China's solar shipments to nurture a domestic supply chain.

"Going forward, the American public should demand much stricter enforcement of tariffs, especially around (China's) use of third countries to break U.S. trade law," Republican Congressman John Moolenaar, Chairman of the House Select Committee on China, told Reuters.

The U.S. Department of Commerce, the White House and China's commerce ministry did not respond to Reuters requests for comment.

(to be continued)


中國太陽企業永遠靈活,走到美國關稅鞭長莫及的更遠地區 (1/2)

(路透社)- 受美國對越南和其他三個東南亞國家擴大貿易關稅的刺激,越南一些最大的中資太陽能工廠正在減產並裁員。


中國太陽能企業一再縮減現有中心的產量,同時在其他國家建造新工廠,從而使它們能夠規避關稅, 以主導美國及全球市場,儘管美國在十多年來不斷用徵收關稅去遏制它們。

儘管中國企業多年來一直在將製造太陽能板轉移, 這次最新的轉移到印尼和寮國的範圍在此前並未被報導。本文訪問了來自五個國家的十幾位人士,包括中國工廠的員工、非中國太陽能公司的人員和律師。 

克林頓政府前貿易官員、戰略與國際研究中心高級顧問William A. Reinsch: 「這是一場巨大的貓鼠遊戲」。


SPV Market Research 的數據顯示,中國約佔全球太陽能出貨量的 80%,而亞洲其他地區的出口中心則佔了其餘大部分。這與二十年前形成鮮明對比,當時美國是該行業的全球領導者。

同時,根據聯邦數據,自華盛頓於 2012 年開始徵收關稅以來,美國太陽能產品的進口量增加了兩倍,去年達到創紀錄的 150 億美元。雖然在 2023 年幾乎沒有直接來自中國,但約有 80% 來自越南、泰國、馬來西亞和柬埔寨 - 這些都是中國公司擁有的工廠的所在地。

去年,華盛頓對這四個東南亞國家的太陽能出口徵收關稅,並在美國製造商提出投訴後於 10 月擴大關稅。

在過去 18 個月中,至少有四個中國或與中國相關的項目已在印尼和寮國開始運營,另外兩個項目也已宣布。這些項目的太陽能電池或電池板產能總計達 22.9 吉瓦 (GW)

其中大部分產品將銷往美國,美國是僅次於中國的全球第二大太陽能市場,也是最賺錢的市場之一。 PVinsights的數據顯示,過去四年美國的價格平均比中國高出40%



關稅是美國大選的關鍵主題,共和黨前總統特朗普提議對所有美國進口商品徵稅,以刺激美國製造業,其中包括對來自中國的所有商品徵收 60% 的關稅。他的競爭對手、民主黨副總統賀錦麗表示,特朗普的計劃將增加美國消費者的成本。


眾議院中國問題特設委員會主席、共和黨眾議員John Moolenaar對路透社表示:「展望未來,美國公眾應該要求更嚴格地執行關稅,特別是在(中國)利用第三國違反美國貿易法的情況之下」。



2024年11月21日 星期四


Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

China offers visa-free entry to 9 more countries in renewed tourism and diplomatic push

South China Morning Post

Sat, November 2, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. GMT+8·4 min read

People from nine more countries, including South Korea, Norway, Finland and Slovakia, will have visa-free entry to China from Friday, as Beijing tries to attract more tourists and improve international ties.

From November 8, nationals from these countries, which also include Denmark, Iceland, Andorra, Monaco and Liechtenstein, will be allowed to enter China for business, tourism, family visits or transit for up to 15 days without a visa, China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs said on Friday.

The policy will be in effect until the end of next year and take the total of countries in this category to 25.

The announcement followed President Xi Jinping's meeting with Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico in Beijing on Friday.

According to the ministry, Fico said Slovakia welcomed Chinese investments in its clean energy sector and was "willing to join the Friends of Peace", a group spearheaded by China and Brazil to find a political settlement to the war in Ukraine.

Fico's trip came just days after the European Commission, which oversees European Union trade policy, decided to impose tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles. Slovakia was one of the five EU countries that opposed the tariffs, counting on Chinese investment to help build an EV battery plant.

As he announced the elevation of ties with Slovakia to a higher level on Friday, Xi said Beijing attached great importance to relations between China and the EU.

"China-EU relations should demonstrate due maturity and stability," Xi was quoted by state news agency Xinhua as saying.

"[EU institutions] should adopt a positive and pragmatic approach, properly manage differences, and refrain from politicising economic and trade issues."

Meanwhile, the EU's top diplomat, Josep Borrell, is in East Asia to foster closer defence partnerships with Japan and South Korea following reports of North Korean soldiers receiving Russian army uniforms at a base near Ukraine.

The North Korean presence raises the spectre of a wider conflict and South Korea is one country that could potentially be drawn in.

China and South Korea maintain robust trade ties but these have been tested in recent years by Seoul's closer security and political relations with Washington under the Yoon Suk-yeol administration.

China has been without an ambassador in South Korea for more than three months, the longest vacancy since the two countries established diplomatic ties.

Relations are also complicated by China's ally, North Korea, but China's visa relaxation appears to signal Beijing's willingness to warm ties.

It is also a sign of China's desire to boost inbound tourism.

China has been easing travel curbs imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic to foreign visitors since last year to inject life into the economy and to ease the way for people-to-people exchanges to help offset tensions with the US, Europe and its Asian neighbours.

So far, residents of 16 countries, including France and Germany, are allowed to enter the country without a visa for up to 15 days for business, tourism, family visits and transit.

Citizens of a further 54 countries, including the United States, Canada and Britain, are allowed to enter the country through one of 37 entry ports and stay for up to 72 or 144 hours without a visa, provided that they have a valid onward ticket to another country.

In the first half of the year, 14.64 million foreigners visited China, marking a 152 per cent year-on-year increase, according to the National Immigration Administration.

More than 8.5 million visa-free entries were recorded from January to June this year, making up 58 per cent of inbound travel, reflecting a 190 per cent increase from a year earlier.

During the July to September period, 8.18 million foreigners visited China, up by nearly half year on year. Among them, 4.9 million visa-free entries were recorded, surging by 78.6 per cent from a year earlier.





該政策將持續到明年年底,使此類國家總數達到 25 個。

這是在習近平主席週五在北京會見斯洛伐克總理Robert Fico之後宣布的。






同時,在有報導稱朝鮮士兵在烏克蘭附近的一個基地接收俄羅斯陸軍制服後,歐盟最高外交官Josep Borrell 正在東亞與日本​​和韓國建立更密切的國防夥伴關係。








包括美國、加拿大和英國在內的另外 54 個國家的公民可以通過 37 個入境口岸之一進入該國,無需簽證即可停留最多 72 144 小時,前提是他們持有有效的續程機票到另一個國家。




              So, people from 9 more countries will have visa-free entry to China starting from Friday. So far, residents of 16 countries are allowed to enter the country without a visa. Citizens of a further 54 countries, including the United States, Canada and Britain, are allowed to enter the country through one of 37 entry ports without a visa. Apparently, China wants to boost its inbound tourism.

2024年11月19日 星期二

中國戰機幾乎抹去了台灣海峽的分界線,創造了危險的新常態 (2/2)

Recently Yahoo News on-line picked up the following:

China's warplanes have all but erased the dividing line in the Taiwan Strait, creating a dangerous new normal (2/2)

Business Insider - Chris Panella

Thu, October 31, 2024 at 12:56 a.m. GMT+8·6 min read


Chinese incursions are tiring out Taiwan's forces

The near-daily ADIZ incursions aren't just changing the status quo in the area; they're also exhausting Taiwan's military.

In October 2020, then-Taiwanese Minister of National Defense Yen Teh-fa said Taipei's air force and navy spent almost $1 billion monitoring Chinese sorties. Since then, Taiwan has adjusted its responses to the ADIZ violations in order to reserve resources, but it is still taxing.

In this tough situation, "the concern is the continued degradation of Taiwan's military assets and the draining of Taiwan's military personnel," Shattuck said, explaining that China "exploits" Taiwan's military capabilities "by flooding the field and forcing Taiwan to choose what things deserve a response."

That degradation could ultimately leave Taiwan's military weakened should one of China's large-scale drills suddenly become the real deal, and with US aid to Taiwan "long-delayed and overdue," Shattuck said, it could hamper Taiwan's readiness.

"The median line of the Taiwan Strait—a de facto boundary that created some semblance of cross-Strait stability—is no more" and "Taiwan cannot push back on all fronts against these PRC incursions," Lewis and Shattuck wrote recently.

This is an attritional fight, they said, arguing that while Chinese military activities around Taiwan "have become normalized and are a part of the ever-deteriorating status quo in the Taiwan Strait," Taipei and Washington still have cards to play.

Taiwan has spent years navigating tricky relations with Beijing, which is opposed to the ruling Democratic Progressive Party and has labeled Lai a "separatist."

During his inauguration speech, Lai promised to uphold Taiwanese democracy as a global beacon, calling on China to cease its intimidation against Taiwan. The speech further inflamed relations, and "Joint Sword 2024-A" shortly followed. Lai toned down rhetoric during his National Day speech earlier this month, demonstrating restraint in calls for peace and understanding.

"Lai's National Day speech indicates that Taipei is attempting to find ways to offer an olive branch to China while maintaining its assertions of Taiwan's de facto sovereignty," Amanda Hsiao, Crisis Group's Senior Analyst for China, told BI. But China's reaction, "Joint Sword 2024-B," was intense and sent a message.

Regardless of what Lai says or how he approaches relations, Shattuck said, China doesn't trust him.

"It no longer matters what sorts of olive branches a DPP president may extend because Beijing will not accept them," he said, explaining that "Beijing is attempting to accelerate its squeezing of Taiwan's own sovereign territory." That has implications for Taiwan and its international partners.

As the Chinese military continues its incursions in Taiwan's ADIZ, Washington and its allies "need to remain vigilant in protesting these activities so that it is clear that military coercion of Taiwan is unacceptable," Shattuck said.

"It is unrealistic to argue that Taiwan or the United States will be able to stop the PRC aerial and maritime incursions around Taiwan," he and Lewis wrote, but there are options. "Washington," they said, "should work to elevate Taiwan's ability to track the situation around its territory and provide it with the necessary resources to push back as needed."


中國戰機幾乎抹去了台灣海峽的分界線,創造了危險的新常態 (2/2)




2020 10 月,時任台灣國防部長Yen Teh-fa 表示,台北空軍和海軍花了近 10 億美元監視中國的出動。此後,台灣調整了違反防空識別區的應對措施,以節省資源,但仍然費力。

Shattuck,在這種艱難的局勢下,「令人擔憂的是台灣軍事資產的持續退化和台灣軍事人員流失」。又解釋說中國 “活靈針對” 台灣的軍事能力, “透過淹沒戰場迫使台灣選擇什么事情應該去作出反應”

Shattuck表示,如果中國的一項大規模演習突然成為真的進攻,這種退化最終可能會削弱台灣的軍事實力,而美國對台灣的援助是 “長時間被延遲、逾期” ,這可能會阻礙台灣的備戰工作。

 Lewis Shattuck最近寫道: “台灣海峽的中線  -  一條在某種程度上創造了兩岸穩定的邊界 - 事實上已不復存在” “台灣無法在所有戰線上反擊這些中國的闖入



Lai 在就職演說中承諾維護台灣民主作為全球燈塔,呼籲中國停止對台灣的恐嚇。該演講進一步激化了關係,不久之後就出現了「聯合利劍2024-A」。Lai在本月稍早的國慶演講中緩和了言辭,表現出克制呼籲和平與理解。

危機組織 中國區高級分析師 Amanda Hsiao 告訴BI,“Lai的國慶演講表明,台北正試圖尋找方法向中國伸出橄欖枝,同時維持其對台灣事實上主權的主張。”但中國的「聯合利劍2024-B」反應強烈,並傳遞了一個訊息。




他和Lewis寫道:「認為台灣或美國能夠阻止中國對台灣週邊地區的空中和海上入侵是不切實際的, 但還是有選擇的。他們表示,「華盛頓應該努力提高台灣追蹤其領土週邊局勢的能力,並為其提供必要的資源,在有需要時進行反擊」。

              So, China’s warplanes are pressuring Taiwan and have all but eliminated an important dividing line, with near-daily incursions creating a dangerous new normal. According to some experts, it is unrealistic to argue that Taiwan or the United States will be able to stop the PRC aerial and maritime incursions around Taiwan. The median line of the Taiwan Strait—a de facto boundary that created some semblance of cross-Strait stability does not exist anymore. I think the chance for a conflict to occur around the median line has increased.

2024年11月18日 星期一

Jiangsu Province of China : a man with knife caused 8 dead 17 injured at school, the man was arrested

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

中国 江蘇省 学校で刃物を持った男 8人死亡 17人けが 男は拘束

20241117 600









Jiangsu Province of China:  a man with knife caused 8 dead 17 injured at school, the man was arrested

On the 16th, a man with a knife attacked a vocational school in Jiangsu Province in eastern China, killing 8 people and injuring 17. In China, there had been a series of murders and injuries in public places, and authorities were on high alert to prevent unrest from spreading to society.

According to local police, a man with a knife attacked a vocational school in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, at around 6:30 pm local time on the 16th, killing 8 people and injuring 17.

Police had arrested a 21-year-old suspect on the spot.

According to the police's initial investigation, the man attended the school, but was believed to have committed the crime in order to vent his dissatisfaction with failing the exam and not receiving a graduation certificate, as well as the remuneration for training.

According to the Japanese Consulate-General in Shanghai, there were no Japanese among the victims.

According to the website of the school where the incident occurred, the school was founded in 1933 as a vocational education facility to teach ceramic making, and now offered a wide range of subjects including design and economics.

In China, there had been a series of murders and injuries in public places, including the incident on the 11th of this month in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province in the south, when an out-of-control car hit a crowd of people, killing 35 people, and authorities were on high alert to prevent social unrest from spreading.

              So, following the social violence happened on the 11th of this month in Guangdong Province that caused the death of 35 people, this time a man with a knife attacked a vocational school in Jiangsu Province, killing 8 people and injuring 17. I am wondering what action will the government take to suppress the spread of social violence.