2023年11月30日 星期四

China cracks down on 'illegal' weather stations, new target in anti-espionage effort

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

中国、「違法な」測候所を取り締まり スパイ防止活動の新たな標的に

2023.11.02 Thu posted at 18:30 JST

香港(CNN) 中国が国内にある複数の測候所の取り締まりに動いていることが2日までに分かった。外国のためのスパイ活動を行っているというのがその理由だ。地政学的な緊張が高まる中、習近平(シーチンピン)国家主席の下で展開する広範なスパイ防止活動の最新の措置となる。














Hong Kong (CNN) It was learned on the 2nd that China was cracking down on several weather stations in the country. The reason was that the stations were conducting espionage activities for foreign countries. The move was the latest in a wide-ranging anti-espionage effort under President Xi Jinping as geopolitical tensions rise.

China's Ministry of State Security announced on October 31 that it had discovered hundreds of weather stations that it considered as illegal. These weather stations were said to have connections with foreign countries and send real-time weather data overseas. This was considered as an act that related to the violation of multiple data-related regulations and endangering national security.

Such weather stations were found in more than 20 provinces. Some facilities were "directly funded by foreign governments." This was made known by the Ministry of State Security in a statement on social media.

Some weather stations were installed near sensitive facilities, such as military bases and defense companies, also altitude, and global positioning system (GPS) data were specifically used. Several other weather stations had also been set up in major grain production areas for the purpose of analyzing grain growth and yields.

Some equipment used for weather measurement were small and easy to install. These systems were difficult to discover and were designed to automatically collect data and sent it across networks in real time.

Some weather stations frequently sent real-time information to meteorological agencies overseas. The statement also pointed out that the transmissions occurred over a long period of time in many locations. It added that it was useful for "homeland security" and weather observation in other countries.

The Ministry of State Security did not specify which countries were involved.

Prior to this discovery, investigations were conducted over more than 10 foreign intermediaries that handled weather observation equipment, as well as searching more than 3,000 weather stations across the country with ties to foreign countries.

The foreign parties involved did not have administrative permission for their activities. The collected data was not submitted to China's meteorological authorities and was sent outside the country without approval.

There had been previous cases where foreign parties collected weather data in China and the Chinese authorities raised objection.

In 2012, when the U.S. embassy recorded and released data on air quality in China, the Chinese government demanded an end to the practice.

Earlier this year, a Chinese reconnaissance balloon crossed the continental United States and hovered over military facilities. This balloon was shot down by the US military.

China insisted that this balloon was private and for research purposes. They said it was mainly conducting weather-related research when it deviated from the planned route, and criticized its shooting down by the US military as an overreaction.

So, China is cracking down on several foreign weather stations as it thinks that espionage activities for foreign countries are being conducted. It is interesting to note that previously in 2012, when the U.S. embassy recorded and released data on air quality in China, the Chinese government demanded to stop the practice. It seems that in China weather data could be a national secret.

2023年11月29日 星期三

Heart transplant from a pig - Second patient dies 6 weeks after surgery - US

Recently CNN on-line reported the following:

ブタからの心臓移植、2例目の患者が死亡 術後6週間 米

2023.11.01 Wed posted at 19:45 JST

(CNN) 米メリーランド大学医療センターで今年9月、ブタの心臓を遺伝子操作したうえで移植する実験的な手術を受けた男性が、術後6週間で死亡した。









(CNN) A man who underwent an experimental surgery to transplant a genetically engineered pig heart at the University of Maryland Medical Center in September died six weeks after the surgery.

According to the center, the patient Lawrence Fawcett (58), recently began showing symptoms of rejection and died six weeks after the surgery.

Dr. Bartley Griffiths of the University of Maryland School of Medicine who performed the surgery said in a statement: ``Mr. Fawcett's final wish is to use our experience to ensure that those who cannot receive a human transplant are given the chance to receive a new heart. He wanted me to make the most of what I learned," and said "He told the doctors and nurses who gathered around him that he loved them” and to remember the dead.

Fawcett was hospitalized on September 14th with symptoms of heart failure and underwent transplant surgery six days later. Because of his heart disease and underlying health conditions, a human heart transplant was deemed inapplicable.

His wife, Anne, said at the time: ``I do not want anything else; I just want to spend more time with him.  Just two of us to be able to sit at our front porch to have coffee.''

He was doing well after the transplant, undergoing physical therapy and spending time with his family. One month after the surgery, doctors were convinced that his heart was functioning properly and stopped giving medication to help it function. Dr Griffiths said at the time that there was no evidence of infection or rejection.

Doctors tried an experimental antibody treatment to suppress Fawcett's immune system and prevent rejection. However, the same center pointed out that rejection was the biggest challenge even with human organ transplants.

This was the second heart transplant surgery from a pig performed. In January 2022, a 57-year-old man underwent the world's first surgery at the University of Maryland, but died two months later. The cause of death was deemed to be heart failure due to multiple factors, and traces of the pig virus, which had not been detected at first, were also reported.

So, a man who underwent an experimental surgery to transplant a genetically engineered pig heart died six weeks after the surgery. This is the second heart transplant surgery performed from a pig. Obviously, human kind will continue to do experiments until safe transplantation is achieved.

2023年11月28日 星期二

A key to combat global warming discovered during fossil fuel extraction (2/2)

 Recently CNN News on-line reported the following:

化石燃料の採掘中に発見された温暖化対策のカギ (2/2)

2023.10.30 Mon posted at 17:03 JST
























Large number of venture companies

There were many ways white hydrogen could be produced, but in some areas, we still did not understand how large-scale natural reservoirs were formed.

Geologists had narrowed it down to ``serpentinization'' in which iron-rich stones and water undergo a chemical reaction that produced hydrogen, and ``radiolysis,'' in which water molecules were broken down by radiation.

Reserves of white hydrogen had been discovered in many parts of the world, including the United States, Eastern Europe, Russia, Australia, Oman, France, and Mali.

In some cases they were discovered by chance, while in others they had been searched for based on geographical features, also known as ``fairy circles.'' Shallow oval-shaped depressions were indicators that hydrogen might be escaping.

Ellis estimated that there were tens of billions of tons of white hydrogen lying around the world. This figure far exceeded the 100 million tons of hydrogen currently produced per year. Ellis said it was also expected that 500 million tonnes would be generated each year up to 2050.

Ellis said, "Arguably, most of the white hydrogen is either has a very low amount of accumulation located in oceans, or too deep to be realistically economically produced". But if even 1% of that could be found and excavated, he added, 500 million tons of hydrogen could be produced in 200 years.

For many venture companies, they wanted this outlook so badly that their hands might reach out from their throats to grab it​.

 Australian-based company Gold Hydrogen was currently mining on South Australia's Yorke Peninsula. They zeroed in on this site after digging into the state's archives and finding a description of extremely high concentrations of hydrogen being discovered in several holes drilled in the 1920s. Miners at the time were only interested in fossil fuels and did not pay attention to hydrogen.

Director Neil MacDonald said: ``We're very excited about what is ahead.'' Further exploration and mining were required, but he told CNN that initial production could begin in late 2024.

Some venture companies had been offered with unprecedented investment amounts. Koloma, a Denver-based white hydrogen company, had received $91 million (approx. 13.6 billion yen) from investors including Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) that was an investment company founded by Microsoft founder Bill Gates.  However, the company remained tight-lipped about the mining location in the United States and the target date for commercialization.

Natural Hydrogen Energy, also based in Denver and founded by Vyacheslav Zgonik, completed geological exploration for hydrogen in Nebraska in 2019 and additional mining was planned. Zgonik told CNN that "We're very close to our first commercial project."

In the fight against climate change Zgonik said that “a solution can speed up it: that is natural hydrogen. "

To make a boom into reality

The challenge for these companies and scientists would be how to commercialize theoretical promise.

Ellis said, “There could be decades of repeated trial and error and premature decisions making". But a sense of speed is essential. "If it takes 200 years to develop resources, on comparison it won't be of much use."

However, many venture companies were confident. Some predicted it could be commercially available within years rather than decades. Zgonik said: "It will take some fine-tuning, but we have all the technology that we need".

Still, challenges remained. Regulation was a barrier in some countries. Efforts also had to be made in terms of cost. According to estimates based on wells in Mali, the cost to produce white hydrogen was about $1 (about 150 yen) per kilogram. Green hydrogen, by contrast, costs about $6 per kilogram. But the cost of white hydrogen could rise non-stop if it had to be mined deeper to secure large reserves.

In the Lorraine mining basin, Pironon and de Donato's next step was to mine 3,000 meters underground to determine exactly how much white hydrogen could be there.

There was still a long way to go. But it would be ironic if this region, once a major coal-producing region in Western Europe, were one day to become the center of the new white hydrogen industry.

              So, two scientists have made a discovery that could accelerate our effort to combat climate change. Our interest in white hydrogen has rapidly increased over the past few years as an untapped source of clean energy that has no environmental impact when burned. Many venture companies are confident. Some predict it could be commercially available within years rather than decades. This is good news in the context of fighting climate change.


1. Serpentinization is the process of hydrothermal alteration that transforms Fe-Mg-silicates such as olivine, pyroxene, or amphiboles contained in ultramafic rocks into serpentine minerals. Much of the uppermost mantle in oceanic setting is so altered. (https://link.springer.com/)

Serpentinite is a rock composed predominantly of one or more serpentine group minerals, the name originating from the similarity of the texture of the rock to that of the skin of a snake. Serpentinite has been called serpentine or serpentine rock, particularly in older geological texts and in wider cultural settings. (wikepedia)

2. Breakthrough Energy (BEV) is the umbrella name of several organizations, founded by Bill Gates in 2015, that aim to accelerate innovation in sustainable energy and in other technologies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (Wikipedia)

3. Koloma is a geologic hydrogen company that leverages its technology, proprietary data, and human capital advantages to identify and commercialize these resources on a global scale. In its web-site the company claims that its production methods produce hydrogen in a clean, continuous, and cost-effective manner. (https://koloma.com/about-us/)

4. Natural Hydrogen Energy is a Denver-based company founded by geochemist Vyacheslav Zgonik. It completed an exploratory hydrogen well in Nebraska in 2019 and has plans for more wells. (https://serbia.postsen.com/world/243381/Revolutionary-discovery-They-explored-coal-mines-found-the-fuel-of-the-future--Insider-TV.htm)

A key to combat global warming discovered during fossil fuel extraction (1/2)

Recently CNN News on-line reported the following:

化石燃料の採掘中に発見された温暖化対策のカギ (1/2)

2023.10.30 Mon posted at 17:03 JST

(CNN) 化石燃料を探し求めてフランス北東部を採掘していた2人の科学者は、自分たちが気候変動対策を加速させうる発見をするとは予想していなかった。




















(to be continued)


(CNN) Two scientists mining northeastern France in search of fossil fuels never expected they would make a discovery that could accelerate efforts to combat climate change.

Jacques Pironon and Philippe de Donato were research directors at the French National Center for Scientific Research. They were investigating the amount of methane in the underground layers of the Lorraine Mine Basin using a ``world's first'' special probing machine that could analyze gas dissolved in water in deep underground rock formations.

After digging several hundred meters, the probe detected low concentration of hydrogen. Pironon told CNN that "I wasn't really surprised by this". It was not uncommon for small amounts of hydrogen being detected near the surface of drilled holes. However, as the excavation progressed further, the hydrogen concentration rose to 14% at 1,100 meters underground and 20% at 1,250 meters underground.

Pironon said it might be the largest ever reservoir of "white hydrogen". The discovery added to our already growing interest in hydrogen.

White hydrogen was also called ``natural hydrogen,'' ``gold hydrogen,'' and ``underground hydrogen.'' Hydrogen, which occurred naturally or existed in the Earth's crust, could be said to be the ultimate ideal for climate change countermeasures.

When hydrogen was burned, it produced only water. Hydrogen was attracting attention as being the next clean energy source in industries such as aviation, shipping, and steel manufacturing that required large amounts of energy but could not be met with solar or wind power.

Although hydrogen was the most abundant element in nature, it generally existed in the form of bonds with other molecules. In the production of hydrogen that were for commercial use, currently that would consume a large amount of energy. Most energy sources were fossil fuels.

Various colors were used in abbreviations to distinguish different types of hydrogen. The ``grey'' was hydrogen produced from methane gas, and the ``brown'' was hydrogen produced from coal. "Blue" hydrogen, like grey hydrogen, was derived from methane gas, but the greenhouse gas produced as a byproduct was captured before being released into the atmosphere.

From the perspective of climate change, the most promising technology would be ``green hydrogen,'' which used renewable energy to split water. But for now, manufacturing operations were small-scale and costs were increasing.

For these reasons, interest in white hydrogen had rapidly increased over the past few years as an untapped source of clean energy that had no environmental impact when burned and was believed to be in abundance.

“Looking at the wrong place”

Jeffrey Ellis, a geochemist at the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) said "If you had asked me four years ago what I thought about natural hydrogen, I would have said, 'It doesn't exist.'" While “It's common knowledge that hydrogen is everywhere," yet scientists thought it was impossible for it to accumulate in large quantities.

At that time, Mr. Ellis heard about what happened in Mari. It was no exaggeration to say that today's white hydrogen boom began in this West African country.

In 1987, a mining worker in a village was smoking a cigarette while leaning on the edge of a well when the well suddenly exploded, injuring the worker with burns.

The well was immediately sealed off and left unused for some time, but when the oil and gas company unblocked it in 2011, gas was reportedly emanating from the well. 98% of it was hydrogen. Hydrogen was used as a source of electricity for local villages, and it was said that the well was still being produced more than 10 years had passed.

When the well was investigated in 2018, the scientific community turned its attention to it. Mr. Ellis was one of them, but at first he thought there must be an error in the investigation, "because I knew that it couldn't have happened".

Then the coronavirus pandemic hit, and with time on his hands, Ellis decided to take a closer look. As he investigated, he realized that ``we were looking at the wrong places, we did not even try to find it.''

Ellis, who has been a petroleum geologist since the 1980s, was also excited about his latest discovery. He had witnessed the rapid growth of shale gas in the United States which had revolutionized the energy market ". He said that "This is the moment". "We have entered an era that is probably considered to be a second revolution."

Isabelle Moretti, a research scientist at Universite de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour and Sorbonne University who was also an expert on white hydrogen agreed, calling hydrogen "very promising."

Moretti told CNN that "The question is no longer the resources themselves, but about where are those economically viable and significant reserves".

(to be continued)

2023年11月21日 星期二

On Vacation

 WING will be on vacation starting from to-morrow for six days. Thank you for visiting this blog.

U.S. - begins to unravel Hamas's funding sources and ascertains an investment list

Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

ハマスの資金源の解明に着手、投資先リストも把握へ 米

2023.10.28 Sat posted at 16:30 JST

(CNN) 米情報機関と法執行機関が、イスラム組織「ハマス」の活動資金集めや得ている支援内容の実態を把握する調査を新たに始めたことが28日までにわかった。











(CNN) It was revealed on the 28th that U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies had begun a new investigation into the Islamic organization Hamas' fundraising efforts and the supports it received.

This was confirmed to CNN by multiple former and current U.S. government officials. The scope of the investigation would also include the forms of Hamas activities that had penetrated the United States.

The investigation currently underway by U.S. intelligence agencies was part of a wider reassessment exercise regarding the threat posed by Hamas and Hezbollah which was a Shiite Islamic militant group based in Lebanon, following the military conflicts between Israel and Hamas that effectively controlling the Gaza Strip.

Both Hamas and Hezbollah were supported by Iran. Hezbollah was considered one of the most powerful militias in the Middle East.

It had long been known that Hamas had built a network of supporters in the United States which it used primarily to raise funds. Because the group's main focus had traditionally been attacking Israel, U.S. officials concluded that Hamas was unlikely to launch an attack on U.S. interests or the U.S. mainland.

One U.S. government official said that until Hamas's large-scale surprise attack on Israel occurred on the 7th of this month, the purpose of Hamas's activities in the United States was merely defined as "fund collection." The sudden change in the situation triggered by the large-scale surprise attack forced a course correction, and U.S. law enforcement agencies began a full-scale effort to uncover Hamas's funding sources.

U.S. officials also said they were stepping up efforts to uncover a list of "secret" investments and financial products held by Hamas, including deposits, stocks, bonds and real estate. These assets were said to be worth between US$400 million (approximately 60 billion yen) and US$1 billion, and were believed to be a significant source of income for Hamas.

In this investigation, the U.S. Treasury Department cooperated with the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), an organization made up of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, and other countries. U.S. and Saudi officials recently convened in the capital Riyadh an emergency meeting of the TFTC, a group that aimed to contain terrorist financing.

The TFTC was established in 2017 with the participation of the United States and GCC member countries. U.S. officials said they were accelerating their efforts to track financial flows connected to Iran-backed extremist groups, as well as Hamas and Hezbollah. They were working to share relevant, timely, and practical information.

The U.S. Treasury Department recently imposed sanctions on people it said were responsible for maintaining a "secret" list of Hamas investments. It was said that the types of investments that were taking place on a global scale included companies ``disguised as legitimate business promotions,'' operating in Sudan, Algeria, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and other countries.

              So, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies have begun a new investigation into the Islamic organization Hamas' fundraising efforts and the supports it receives. Because the group's focus has traditionally been to attack Israel, U.S. officials have concluded that Hamas is unlikely to launch an attack on the U.S. Now they are under the scrutiny of the US.


The Task Force on Tax and Crime (TFTC) supports jurisdictions efforts to combat tax crimes through implementation of the "Oslo Dialogue"—a policy initiative launched in 2013 to promote a 'whole of government' approach to fighting tax crime and other financial crimes through standard setting, sharing of best practices, and capacity building. The OECD (the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) is uniquely positioned to lead change in this field owing to its leading role in each of these areas. (https://www.oecd.org/fr/fiscalite/delits/tftc-strategy-and-direction.htm)

2023年11月20日 星期一

India's young people should work 70 hours a week: billionaire founder of IT giant says

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:

インドの若者、週70時間働くべき IT大手創業の富豪が発言

2023.10.28 Sat posted at 15:47 JST

ニューデリー(CNN) インドのソフトウェア大手インフォシスの共同創業者、ナラヤナ・マーシー氏はこのほど、インドを世界的な経済大国に押し上げたいなら、若者たちは超長時間労働をする必要があるとの見方を示した。









New Delhi (CNN) Narayana Murthy, co-founder of Indian software giant Infosys, recently expressed the opinion that young people would need to work extended long hours if India wanted to become a global economic power.

Murthy said India needed young people who worked "with great determination, exceptional discipline and hard work." He pointed out that young people should work 70 hours a week.

He said, "This is exactly what the Germans and Japanese did after World War II." A conversation with Mohandas Pai the former chief financial officer of Infosys was published on YouTube on the 26th.

Infosys, which Murthy co-founded in 1981, had since grown to become one of the world's largest outsourcing companies. According to estimates by the US business magazine Forbes, his assets were over $4 billion (approximately 598 billion yen).

Mr. Murthy was also the father-in-law of British Prime Minister Sunak.

Murthy said, “For some reason, young people in India tend to adopt the undesirable habits of the West and do not contribute to the country". He also said, "India's labor productivity is among the lowest in the world," and added that India should learn from the policies that had spurred growth in emerging markets, especially China.

According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), India was one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with growth expected to reach 6.3% this year.

Murthy's comments drew criticism on social media. Recent surveys had revealed that Indians felt that they were suffering from some of the worst long working hours and low wages in the world.

              So, an entrepreneur in India expressed the opinion that young people need to work extended long hours for the benefit of the country. I remember that, about a decade ago, a famous Chinese entrepreneur had said similar things regarding workers in China. To me, it should be the management’s responsibility to devise ways for workers to work more effectively and efficiently, rather than extending their working hours. To work extended long hours, among other negative effects, may lead to a diminishing return in productivity.

2023年11月19日 星期日


Recently Yahoo News on-line reported the following:

More alarm bells sound on slowing demand for electric vehicles

Ben Klayman

Thu, October 26, 2023 at 12:01 a.m. GMT+8

(Reuters) - High interest rates are derailing the ambitions of climate regulators and automakers to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles, underscored Wednesday by the scrapping of a GM-Honda partnership and a warning from a battery maker.

Electric vehicle sales are still growing strongly, but that demand is not keeping up with the expectations of carmakers and other companies that have invested billions of dollars in the EV space. Expectations for persistently higher interest rates has led companies to alter plans as they eye 2024 warily.

"EV demand next year could be lower than expectations," Lee Chang-sil, chief financial officer at South Korean battery maker LG Energy Solution said on Wednesday, due to global economic uncertainty.

Also on Wednesday, Honda and General Motors announced they were ending a $5 billion plan to develop lower-cost EVs together just a year after announcing the effort. GM on Tuesday said it would focus near-term EV efforts on meeting demand rather than hitting specific volume targets.

"We're taking immediate steps to enhance the profitability of our EV portfolio and adjust to slowing near-term growth," GM CEO Mary Barra told analysts.

Investors have responded to the changed outlook. Over the last three months, the iShares Self-Driving EV and Tech exchange-traded fund has plunged more than 24%, far more than the 8.3% fall for the MSCI All-World Index, a proxy for global equities.

EV sales are growing, however. They topped 300,000 units in the United States for the first time in the third quarter, according to a Cox Automotive report. They rose 14.3% in September in the European Union and 22% in China, the world's largest EV market.


Tesla CEO Elon Musk raised the alarm last week in explaining why he was slowing plans for a Mexico factory.

"I am worried about the high interest rate environment that we're in," he said on Tesla's earnings conference call. "As I just can't emphasize this enough that the vast majority of people buying a car is about the monthly payment. If interest rates remain high or if they go even higher, it's that much harder for people to buy the car."

Other automakers have sounded similar notes of caution.

Germany's Volkswagen last week cut its profit margin outlook for the year, blaming negative effects for raw material hedges at the end of the third quarter. Some of those materials are used in EV batteries.

Like many other industrial firms, carmakers hedge against commodity price swings, and with EV demand slowing, raw material prices have softened, including those used heavily in batteries.

Lithium prices have tumbled 67% so far this year based on spot lithium carbonate prices assessed by Fastmarkets. Prices of cobalt metal on the CME have slid 20% this year and more than halved since May last year.

U.S. automaker Ford earlier this month said it would temporarily cut one of three shifts at the plant that builds its electric F-150 Lightning pickup truck, and in July slowed its EV ramp-up, shifting investment to commercial vehicles and hybrids.

Shares of Japan's Nidec logged their biggest decline in a decade and a half on Tuesday, tumbling more than 10% on investor concerns over the motor manufacturer's prospects in an increasingly tough Chinese market for EVs.

The Japanese motor manufacturer now expects a 15 billion yen ($100 million) full-year loss at its key e-axle business, rather than the profit it had previously seen. E-axle manufacture combines motors, gears and power-control electronics.

China's CATL, the world's largest battery maker for EVs, said last week that third-quarter profit rose 10.7%, its weakest quarter since the start of last year due to slowing demand and stiff competition.

The company's market share in China tumbled in September to the lowest in more than a year, data showed, underscoring the challenges it faces from smaller rivals and weakening demand.

(Reporting by Ben Klayman in Detroit and David Gaffen in New York; additional reporting by Eric Onstad in London and Victoria Waldersee in Berlin; editing by Jonathan Oatis)


(路透社) - 高利率正在破壞氣候監管機構和汽車製造商加速向電動汽車轉型的雄心。週三通用汽車與本田汽車合作夥伴關係的取消,以及一家電池製造商的警告凸顯了這一點。

電動車銷量仍在強勁成長,但這種需求未能跟上汽車製造商和其他在電動車領域投資數十億美元的公司的預期。 對利率持續走高的預期導致企業改變計劃,謹慎地展望 2024 年。

韓國電池製造商 LG Energy Solution 財務長 Lee Chang-sil 週三表示,由於全球經濟不確定性,明年的電動車需求可能低於預期。

同樣在周三,本田和通用汽車宣布,他們將終止一項耗資 50 億美元的共同開發低成本電動車的計劃,這項計劃是在一年前宣布的。 通用汽車週二表示,近期電動車業務的重點將是滿足銷情需求,而不是達到具體的銷售目標。

通用汽車首席執行官 Mary Barra 對分析師表示:我們正在立即採取措施,提高電動汽車產品組合的盈利能力,並適應近期增長放緩的情況。

投資者對前景的改變做出了反應。 過去三個月,iShares 自動駕駛電動車和科技交易所交易基金暴跌超過 24%,遠超過代表全球股票的 MSCI 全球指數 8.3% 的跌幅。

然而,電動車銷量正在成長。 根據 Cox Automotive 的一份報告,第三季它們在美國的銷售量首次突破 30 萬輛。 9 月份,歐盟上升了 14.3%,全球最大電動車市場中國上升了 22%



他在Tesla的財報電話會議上表示: 「我對我們所處的高利率環境感到擔憂 「我極盡強調這一點,絕大多數人買車都會留意每月的還款。如果利率居高不下或者更高,人們就很難買車了」。


德國大眾汽車上週下調了今年的利潤率預期,並將其歸咎於第三季末對原材料對沖的負面影響。 其中一些材料用於電動車電池。


根據 Fastmarkets 評估的現貨碳酸鋰價格,今年迄今鋰價已下跌 67% CME 鈷金屬價格今年已下跌 20%,自去年 5 月以來已下跌逾一半。

美國汽車製造商福特本月稍早表示,將暫時削減生產電動 F-150 Lightning 小型貨斗車的工廠三制中的一班,並於7 月放慢了電動車的產能擴張,將投資轉向商用車和混合動力車。

週二,日本電 (Nidec) 股價錄得十五年來最大下跌, 跌幅超過 10%,因投資者擔心這家汽車製造商在日益嚴峻的中國電動汽車市場中的前景,。

這家日本汽車製造商目前預計其主要電橋業務將全年出現 150 億日圓(1 億美元)的虧損,而不是先前的利潤。 電子車橋 (e-axle) 製造結合了馬達、齒輪和電力控制電子設備。



       So, high interest rates are derailing the ambitions of automakers to accelerate the shift to electric vehicles, and slow down the demand for EV battery. Although Electric vehicle sales are still growing strongly, the demand is not keeping up with the expectations of carmakers that have invested billions of dollars in the EV business. It seems that global economy recovery has a long way to go.


1. The eAxle systems are a compact, cost-attractive electric drive solution for battery-electric vehicles and hybrid applications. The electric motor, power electronics and transmission are combined in a compact unit directly powering the vehicle's axle. This aids in making electric drives less complex but simpler. Additionally, the powertrain becomes cheaper, more compact and more efficient. (https://www.bosch-mobility.com/en/solutions/power-electronics/eaxle/)

2. Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Limited, abbreviated as CATL (寧德時代), is a Chinese battery manufacturer and technology company founded in 2011 that specializes in the manufacturing of lithium-ion batteries for electric vehicles and energy storage systems, as well as battery management systems. (Wikipedia)

2023年11月18日 星期六

Why is the American economy strong? To ask an expert: Will GDP positive for the fifth consecutive quarter (2/2)

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

アメリカ経済なぜ堅調? 専門家に聞く GDP5期連続プラスか (2/2)

20231025 642


Q2. 好調は今後も続く?


Q3. 今後の金利引き上げは?


Q4. 利下げの時期は?



Q5. 長いスパンでみたアメリカ経済の懸念やリスクは?






Q2. Would the good performance continue?

The economy was expected to slow down in the fourth quarter (October to December), with GDP growth expected to be 1.5% higher than the previous quarter. Headwinds that should be noted include the prolonged strike by the UAW (United Auto Workers Union) and the fact that it was unlikely that corporate investment, which was already at a fairly high level, could be maintained.

Q3. What about future interest rate hikes?

The Fed was expected to raise rates one more time in December. However, in his speech on October 19 Chairman Powell stated that any further interest rate hikes would require "additional data, including the risk of further acceleration of economic growth and the risk of a significant rise in the inflation rate." I thought it could be a delicate decision.

Q4. When would the time for interest rate cut?

For the market, the timing of the rate cut would be more important than the reaching point of interest rates. Our view was that the Fed could begin lowering interest rates in June 2024. The lowering of interest rates (= lowering the neutral interest rate) in line with the slowing of the inflation rate would not be a rate cut in response to an economic slowdown.

When the Federal Reserve decided to cut interest rates, it would be very conscious about the risk of a resurgence of inflation, or in other words, the risk that its efforts to date could be wasted, so we expected that the pace of rate cuts would be judged carefully.

Q5. What were your concerns and risks regarding the U.S. economy over the long term?

What was interesting about the American economy was that its balance in income and expenditure between consumers and businesses, respectively they were quite healthy.

On the other hand, the government's finances were becoming a problem due to the ballooning deficit. There were various factors contributing to this, including structural issues such as a continuing increase in the number of elderly people eligible to receive social security benefits, and an increase in interest payments on government bonds due to rising interest rates.

This trend could continue into next year as well. Regardless of the state of the economy, the fact that the country was running such a large deficit would be a cause for concern, as it showed that there was not much fiscal space left to carry out government spending even if it fell into a recession.

              So, some experts say that what is interesting about the American economy is that it has a good balance in income and expenditure between consumers and businesses respectively. On the other hand, the country’s large deficit can be a cause for concern, as not much room will be left for the government to carry out spending even if facing a recession again.

2023年11月17日 星期五

Why is the American economy strong? To ask an expert: Will GDP positive for the fifth consecutive quarter (1/2)


Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

アメリカ経済なぜ堅調? 専門家に聞く GDP5期連続プラスか (1/2)

20231025 642




要因について「バンク・オブ・アメリカ」のアディチャ・バベ シニアエコノミストは、9月の小売業の売上高が6か月連続で前の月を上回るなど個人消費が好調なことや、半導体などにおける政府の巨額の財政支出を受けて企業の設備投資が増加したことなどを指摘しています。



高い金利水準のもとでも、5期連続のプラス成長が予測されているアメリカ経済について「バンク・オブ・アメリカ」のアディチャ・バベ シニアエコノミスト(アメリカ経済担当)に聞きました。

Q1. 金融引き締め続けていてもなぜ堅調?



(to be continued)


America's GDP = Gross Domestic Product from July to September would be announced on the 26th. There was a widespread view in the market that this could be the fifth consecutive quarter of positive growth, and this was likely to demonstrate the robustness of the American economy even with high interest rates.

America's GDP from July to last month would be announced at 9:30 pm on the 26th Japan time. According to market forecasts, the real growth rate compared to the previous three months could be an annualized increase of around 4.5%, and there was a widespread view that this would be the fifth consecutive quarter of positive growth.

It would be an increase from the 2.1% growth rate seen in the previous three months, and was likely to show that the economy was strong even with high interest rates.

Regarding the factors, Aditya Bhave, senior economist at Bank of America, pointed out that consumer spending was strong, with retail sales in September exceeded the previous one for the sixth consecutive month, also that corporate capital investment in response to huge government spending on semiconductors, etc. had increased.

Federal Reserve Board Chairman Jerome Powell indicated that he would make careful decisions regarding additional interest rate hikes etc. by looking at future economic indicators, and it was likely that the market would be more interested than ever in the economy’s current state and outlook.

[Expert Q&A]

We asked Aditya Bhave, Senior Economist (in charge of the US economy) at Bank of America, about the US economy, which was predicted to have positive growth for the fifth consecutive quarter, even with high interest rates.

Q1. Why the economy was strong despite continued monetary tightening?

Many factors came together. The Fed's rapid interest rate hikes should have had an impact on personal consumption by increasing the burden of home loans, but because many households took out fixed-rate loans when interest rates were low, they were largely unaffected by rising interest rates and this could be a factor in the continued strong performance of personal consumption.

In addition, the government's fiscal policies had provided more stimulus than expected, significantly boosting corporate investment. On the labor supply side, it had become possible to work from home and at work from office, and the labor force participation rate of women had increased beyond expectation.

(to be continued)

2023年11月16日 星期四

First time success in generating “plasma” necessary for nuclear fusion reaction : Experimental equipment in Ibaraki (2/2)


Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

核融合反応に必要なプラズマ生成に初成功 茨城の実験装置 (2/2)

20231024 2000








核融合 各国で開発競争が過熱










What was “plasma”?

"Plasma" was a state in which matter would be heated to extremely high temperatures, ranging from several thousand degrees to hundreds of millions of degrees, and the atoms that made up that matter were separated into nuclei and electrons that flied around freely.

As the temperature rose, matter would change from solid to liquid, and from liquid to gas. The state that further changed from gas is the plasma which was also called the "fourth state," and on Earth it could also be seen in the form of lightning and aurora.

In the plasma state, atomic nuclei could move at extremely high speeds of 1,000 kilometers per second, and when the atomic nuclei collided with each other at that speed, a fusion reaction occurs and a large amount of energy would be generated.

One gram of fuel produced the same amount of energy as burning approximately 8 tons of oil.

In order to continue this nuclear fusion reaction and to extract energy, it was necessary to maintain ultra-high temperature plasma of over 100 million degrees Celsius for a long time, so the development of materials that could withstand ultra-high temperatures was progressing.

Nuclear fusion development competition heated up in various countries

Research into nuclear fusion began around the world in the 1950s, but due to many technical challenges, the target date for its realization had been repeatedly postponed.

However, in recent years, development had been progressing with huge investments being made in venture companies mainly in the United States. In China, a national research institute had announced that it has succeeded in an experiment to confine "plasma" for a long time.  Development competition was heating up in every country.

Among them, the Japanese government was participating in the ITER project, a large-scale international project involving 35 countries and regions including the United States and China, and a joint development with the EU that used "JT-60SA" was proceeding.

In April of this year, the first government strategy to promote related industries was formulated, with the goal of realizing domestic fusion power production by around 2050.

Expert: “Getting started is a big step.”

Professor Yoshio Ueda (上田良夫)of Osaka University Graduate School who was a member of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's council on nuclear fusion said, ``This is the world's largest device, and it is expected to produce great results, so it is a big step for Japan to get started. I honestly feel glad that a research platform that is extremely important for research and development is now operational."

On top of that he added, ``Research is becoming more active not only in China and South Korea, but also in the United States and Europe, and results are starting to appear, and there is a feeling that Japan is the only country left behind, will we finally be able to match them once we start full-scale experiments? We can expect even greater results in the future. As “From now on, Japan will make a comeback'', this could be a step that will give great power to the Japanese research community.

              So, if everything goes well, Japan’s goal in realizing domestic fusion power generation by around 2050 could be achieved. I am wondering how this new energy source will affect the oil industry and the coal industry globally eventually.

2023年11月15日 星期三

First time success in generating “plasma” necessary for nuclear fusion reaction: Experimental equipment in Ibaraki (1/2)

Recently NHK News on-line reported the following:

核融合反応に必要なプラズマ生成に初成功 茨城の実験装置 (1/2)

20231024 2000









(to be continued)


The National Institute for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology as a national research and development agency had announced that, at the world's largest nuclear fusion experimental device located in Ibaraki Prefecture, it had succeeded for the first time in creating a state called "plasma" that was a prerequisite for fusion reactions to occur. Full-scale experiments would begin towards realizing the technology that was expected to be a next-generation energy source.

Nuclear fusion was a reaction that occurred inside the sun, and by creating it artificially, it was possible to extract a huge amount of energy, and it was expected to be a next-generation energy source that would not emit carbon dioxide or high-level radioactive waste.

JT-60SA, located in Naka City in Ibaraki Prefecture, was an experimental device jointly constructed by Japan and the EU with a budget of over 65 billion yen. It aimed to demonstrate a technology that created a so-called “plasma" state inside a donut-shaped cavity and maintained it for a certain period of time.

Succeeded in creating a “plasma” state for the first time

According to the Japan Institute for Quantum Science and Technology which operated this facility, it began full-scale operation in May this year, and because of making the interior close to a vacuum and with electricity passing through, it reached the state of "plasma" for the first time at around 5:30 p.m. on the 23rd, meaning that it succeeded in creating a "plasma" state.

In order to cause a nuclear fusion reaction, while it was necessary to raise the temperature of the "plasma" to over 100 million degrees and cause the atomic nuclei to collide at a speed of 1000 kilometers per second, yet the temperature of "plasma" that could be created now was about 10 million degrees.

In the future, the organization would repeat making improvement to the device and aimed to maintain a 100 million degree "plasma" for 100 seconds in about five years.

In addition, it was hoped to make use of the knowledge gained from experiments in this ITER project which was a large-scale international joint effort participated by Japan, the EU, and others; and also the Japanese government hoped to use the technology to realize the generation nuclear fusion power with  the aim to achieve this by around 2050.

(to be continued)