2020年1月13日 星期一

China to lift part of the embargo on Japanese beef - is it an aim to appeal to improve relations?

Recently Mainichi Shimbun On-line reported the following:
中国が日本産牛肉の禁輸一部解除 関係改善アピールする狙いか
 毎日新聞 2019/12/23 23:14




Chinese media reported on the 23rd that China had lifted some embargoes on Japanese beef which had been banned from importing in 2001 due to bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE). Prime Minister Shinzo Abe arrived at China on the 23rd to attend the Japan-China-ROK summit, and also to schedule a visit by Xi Jinping to Japan next spring which had a likely aim to appeal to improve Sino-Japanese relations.

The Chinese Customs Administration and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs announced in a public announcement on 19th that, based on the result of risk assessments, they would lift the embargo on the same date on "boneless meat from Japanese cows of less than 30 months old". Quarantine system details etc. would be specified separately.
In November, the two governments signed an agreement on animal health and quarantine which was a prerequisite for resuming Japanese beef exports to China. According to Japan's Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, restarting exports from Japan would require detailed rules between the two countries, such as meat safety standards and certification of processing facilities, and furthermore it was expected that restarting exports could take some time.

          So, it seems that China is trying to keep a good relationship with its neighboring countries as China-US trade disputes might continue for a long time.

