2019年1月25日 星期五

Bankruptcy procedures started in 9 stores operated by "Subway" in the metropolitan area

Recently the NHK News Online reported the following :
「サブウェイ」首都圏で9店舗運営の会社 破産手続き開始
2019117 2328


経営が行き詰まったのは、東京 品川区にある「エージ-・コーポレーション」です。






As a franchised sandwich chain company "Subway", which managed 9 stores at the metropolitan area, came to a management deadlock and accepted the decision from a court house to start bankruptcy procedures.

The company that came to a management deadlock was the Easy Corporation in Tokyo Shinagawa-ward.

This firm as a franchise of "Subway" which managed Minami-Aoyama etc. 9 stores that centering around the metropolitan area in Tokyo was also managing other different restaurants etc. According to the bankruptcy administrator's lawyer, because the business was no good, on the 16th this month it began a decision on bankruptcy procedure as received from the Tokyo district court.

It was said that the total debt went up to about 1,100 million yen.

Subway was a sandwich chain from the United States; according to "Japan Subway" as a domestic legal corporation it was said that business was suspended at present in the 9 stores of the bankrupted company.

Subway at the time of its peak about 4 years ago had developed about 480 stores nationwide, but as they lacked publicity in the local area, at present the number of stores was about 280.

        Due to stiff competition, it is normal to see business and company come and go in the commercial world.

