Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
ホンダ アシモの開発をとりやめ 研究開発チームも解散
It was found out that Honda the major automobile company that
had been developing the "Ashimo", a humanoid robot that could walk
with two legs, had canceled the latter’s further development. From now on the
policy would focus on nursing support which put emphasis on the development of
more practical robotics.
Ashimo was the humanoid robot developed by Honda, its real
walking with two legs then was supposed to demand advanced technology, and the
release of its number one machine had drawn attention in 2000.
After that, 7 generations of improvement type were announced
up to 2011, but according to people connected to Honda its development was already
canceled, and it was said that the research and development team was also
Concerning humanoid robots that walked with two legs, the
American "Boston dynamics" that was bought by Softbank group had announced
robots with high movement performance etc. and had made successive market
entries; the competition became tense.
For Honda, from now on it would adopt the policy of putting
emphasis on the development of more practical robotics. Using the high balance
performance together with the technology on movement controls acquired during
the development of Ashimo, Honda was advancing the development of motorcycles
that had fall prevention function, in addition to attachment type robots that
could be used in nursing support.
I was amazed at
the performance of Ashimo when it was released in 2000.