2018年2月10日 星期六

Technical developments will make the judgment on Alzheimer's disease possible by an easy checking

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
アルツハイマー病 簡単な検査で判定可能な技術開発
21 515







My translation

The National Institute for Longevity Sciences together with a major precision equipment maker had jointly developed a technology which could lead to an ability to identify Alzheimer's disease, a cause of dementia, by a simple checking even before the symptom came out.

It was known that one cause of dementia was the Alzheimer's disease, it was understood that as a symptom, one type of material in the β amyloid in the brain would begin to accumulate more than 20 years earlier. Unless expensive checkings were done, it was difficult to notice the sickness before the symptom came out.

As such, when it accumulated  in a brain, the National Institute for Longevity Sciences together with Shimadzu Incorporation, a major precision equipment maker found that a rare kind of β amyloid that had only a small amount in the blood would decrease. Applying this, the technology which could easily know whether β amyloid was accumulating could be developed, and a press conference was held.

A clinical study was performed on approximately 230 senior citizens in Australian and Japan, and it's said that it was possible to judge whether β amyloid was accumulating with an approximately 90 % probability.

Mr. Koichi Tanaka of Shimadzu who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 16 years ago joined this development and said that “from now on I'd like to make an effort on the application of the small amount measuring technique so as to check and treat the sickness."

Yanagisawa Katsuhiko the general manager of the National Institute for Longevity Sciences said that "at present it is used to find out patients for the development of a treatment, in future I'm thinking when it can also be used for medical examination.”

     The discovery is good news for all Alzheimer’s disease patients.

