2017年11月25日 星期六

"The article is true" - Tokyo high court- The amount of compensation by Bungeishunju was sharply reduced

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
「記事は真実」 東京高裁 週刊文春の賠償額を大幅減
1122 1736







My translation

In a trial in which the major distributor "Aeon" argued that it had been defamed by the headline of an article on food which appeared in Bungeishunju, the Tokyo high court in the second trial ruled that except for its headline the article was true, and gave the decision to reduce the amount of the compensation to 1.1 million yen from 24 million yen in the first trial.

Four years ago an article in Bungeishunju gave a notice in its headline by saying that " ‘Chinese deadly poisonous rice’ - a great sin in camouflage by Aeon was exposed" regarding the lunch box sold in Aeon that used the rice from a wholesale company in Mie-ken that had camouflaged the place of production of the rice.

Aeon initiated a lawsuit for a compensation of 165 million yen, and the Tokyo district court in the first trial refused to admit that the headline and part of the article were true and commanded Bungeishunju  to pay a compensation of about 24.9 million yen.

On the 22nd in the second trial, Hiroshi Noyama the presiding judge of the Tokyo high court changed the judgment of the first trial because the contents of the article were true. In addition he pointed out that “it is a good discussion in which it draws attention to the problem on food safety, the trial instead of causing it to shrink, it is hoped that it could deepen arguments through discussions". 

On the other hand,  as it was supposed that the headline of advertisement had made people who saw it to hold a wrong impression that deadly poison was included in rice, Bungeishunju was ordered to made a compensation of 1.1million yen.

Regarding the court decision, Bungeishunju commented that "most of the court decisions in the first trial have been denied and that most of the justification for the article has been accepted”.

On the other hand Aeon commented that “the judgment could be understood as that it partially recognized there was defamation, yet the judgment sentence will be reviewed to consider a response".

   It is an interesting legal case. I think the lawyers from Bungeishunju had done a very good job.

