2017年12月4日 星期一

"Pola" apologized for a poster in its shop that declined Chinese customers

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
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化粧品メーカーの「ポーラ」の 店舗が「中国の方出入り禁止」と書かれた貼り紙をしていたことがわかり、会社側は不適切だとして撤去させたうえでホームページに謝罪のコメントを掲載しました。





My translation

It was found out that a shop of "Pola", a cosmetics manufacturer, had posted a notice that had written that "No entry for the Chinese people"; the company assumed that it was improper and after removing it, a statement of apology was posted in the home page of Pola.

According to Pola, it was its authorized company that had posted up the bill on part of a door of a store that mainly sold the cosmetics of Pola;  the bill that was posted up had "No entry for the Chinese people" written on it.

It was said that the company after noting that a picture of this store was carried by the Chinese SNS= social networking service on the 24th, the company believed that it was an improper poster and ordered it to be removed.

Pola carried a statement of apology in its home page which stated that "it was truly regretted and was sorry for causing trouble to many of you with the unpleasant idea".

Pola had not made clear about the location of the store that posted up the bill, but as soon as the facts were confirmed, it closed the shop and took severe disciplinary action.

        I am interested to know the reasons behind the shop in declining the Chinese customers. Shops are open for business and it is common sense that all customers would be welcome.

