2017年10月22日 星期日

The Kennedy assassination – the president of the US allowed making public a great deal of information

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
ケネディ暗殺事件 大量の資料公開認める 米大統領

1022 743




My translation

American president Trump, in response to the large amount of investigation material about the assassination of the former president Kennedy that happened half a century ago and was reaching a fixed date to be open to the public, had showed the idea that the authority would not exercise the power to refuse opening it to the public. Whether some new facts about this event could be clarified became the center of interest.
The former president Kennedy was shot dead at in State of Texas Dallas in 1963 and  Oswald the suspect who was a former marine was arrested; an investigating committee concluded that it was an offense done by one single person.

According to an American leading newspaper the Washington Post, a great deal of documents on the investigation had not been disclosed. By a law passed in 1992, on the 26th of this month this event would have passed 25 years and it was said that only the president had the authority to refuse the opening up of materials to the public.

On the 21st, president Trump in Twitter wrote that " I will admit the opening of materials about the assassination of former president Kennedy which wasn't made public for a long time as classified documents";  the idea that he would not interfere with its opening to the public was indicated.

Yet, some people in authority in the NSC= National Security Council was asking President Trump not to open up some parts of the document. Therefore, it was not known whether the material would be opened without amendments. But whether some new facts could make clear the criminal act was done by Oswald the suspect alone became the center of interest.

  The assassination of President Kennedy was an interesting historical event in the US. I look forward to hearing some new facts about this incident.

