2017年10月24日 星期二

Tokyo Metro Free Wi-Fi for foreigners - it would be expanded to all routes

Recently the NHK On-line news reported the following:
東京メトロ 外国人向け無料Wi-Fi 全路線に拡大へ
1024 402







My translation

Tokyo Metro was going to expand the radio communication in certain routes targeting at foreign travelers =  the no charge  "Wi-Fi", and to introduce it to all rail routes by 2020 because of  the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paralympics.

The Wi-Fi was something that connected smart phone, tablet terminal and radio equipment, and this service could connect the internet without passing through the cellular phone circuit.

About the no charge Wi Fi, Tokyo Metro made it its policy to expand it to all routes and all vehicles by the summer of 2020 when Tokyo Olympic Games and Paralympics would be opened.

Tokyo Metro was doing this service for foreign travelers and at present it could be used free of charge in certain vehicles in the Ginza Line and Hibiya Line by downloading an exclusive application beforehand. But having received comments which said that in Japan there were not many places where Wi Fi could be used for free, the company decided to expand this service.

Moving towards an expansion to the all lines and all vehicles, it would be introduced to certain vehicles in the Touzai line and Chiyoda line within this year; in the coming years the target of expansion would be the Yuurakuchou line and Hanzoumon line.

By an estimation of Tokyo Metro, in the previous fiscal year on average there were about 74,000  foreign passengers each day;  it was approximately an increase of 1.4 times of 4 years ago, the service such as selling the all-you-can-travel tickets to foreign travelers had been strengthened.

    Obviously Japan is preparing for the 2020 Olympics.

2017年10月22日 星期日

The Kennedy assassination – the president of the US allowed making public a great deal of information

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
ケネディ暗殺事件 大量の資料公開認める 米大統領

1022 743




My translation

American president Trump, in response to the large amount of investigation material about the assassination of the former president Kennedy that happened half a century ago and was reaching a fixed date to be open to the public, had showed the idea that the authority would not exercise the power to refuse opening it to the public. Whether some new facts about this event could be clarified became the center of interest.
The former president Kennedy was shot dead at in State of Texas Dallas in 1963 and  Oswald the suspect who was a former marine was arrested; an investigating committee concluded that it was an offense done by one single person.

According to an American leading newspaper the Washington Post, a great deal of documents on the investigation had not been disclosed. By a law passed in 1992, on the 26th of this month this event would have passed 25 years and it was said that only the president had the authority to refuse the opening up of materials to the public.

On the 21st, president Trump in Twitter wrote that " I will admit the opening of materials about the assassination of former president Kennedy which wasn't made public for a long time as classified documents";  the idea that he would not interfere with its opening to the public was indicated.

Yet, some people in authority in the NSC= National Security Council was asking President Trump not to open up some parts of the document. Therefore, it was not known whether the material would be opened without amendments. But whether some new facts could make clear the criminal act was done by Oswald the suspect alone became the center of interest.

  The assassination of President Kennedy was an interesting historical event in the US. I look forward to hearing some new facts about this incident.

2017年10月4日 星期三

A US company was planning using spaceship to make traveling between all cities in about 30 minutes

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
宇宙船であらゆる都市間を約30分で移動 米企業が計画

930 645




My translation

An American’s space developing venture business had announced the "Space X" which was a plan to use spacecraft to travel between all cities on the earth in approximately 30 minutes, for example from Tokyo one could arrive at Los Angeles in only 32 minutes by going through the space using a rocket. From now on the company would advance tests on practical use.

Elon Musk the CEO of "Space X" announced this plan at the international conference opened in Australia on the 29th.

According to him, the spacecraft that had passengers on board would be launched by a rocket to travel at a maximum of 27,000 kilometers per hour in space. For example from New York to Shanghai  would be in 39 minutes, from Tokyo to Los Angeles 32 minutes; from New York to Paris in approximately 30 minutes, you can now supposedly move between all cities on the earth in approximately 30 minutes. During lift-off, there was gravity acceleration at 3 G the maximum. Musk the CEO said "once gone out of the atmosphere you will feel like in an amusement park ride, you can travel smoothly without turbulence and the influence of the weather."

Space X planned on using the same spacecraft that would send people to Mars. It decided to carry out a test in 2022, and it was a plan that could make movement on earth in a short time. Space X hoped to make the charges for movement on earth to a degree that was similar to the regular charge of the economy class of an airplane.

  I look forward to seeing the launching of the first Space X spacecraft.

2017年10月2日 星期一

The oldest trace of life was found in a rock that existed 3,900 million years ago

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
世界最古の生命痕跡を発見 39億年前の岩石から

928 552






My translation

It was announced that a study group from the University of Tokyo had found a trace of the life that could be judged as the world oldest from a rock 3,900 million years old picked up in Canada.

A study group consisted of Takeshi Komiya associate professor of the University of Tokyo  and others had dug out a rock that was approximately 3,950 million years old at the Labrador peninsula in the Canada’s northeast and studied it carefully.

As a result, a block with a high percentage of the lightest type of carbon was found, a lot of this carbon could be found in the body of a creature. It was one of the 3 kinds of carbon that existed in the natural world that was differentiated by weight. It was assumed by the study group that it was the trace of a dead body of some creature.

So far the trace of oldest confirmed life in world was the one that was 3,800 million years old found in Greenland, it’s said that the present discovery was 100 million years older.

It was thought that the earth was formed about approximately 4,500 million years from now, but when did life was born was not quite known. To this study group, to know how early stage life appeared on earth was valuable data, from now on it would move forward to specify the different types of life.

Komiya associate professor of the University of Tokyo said that “the size of the trace is judged to be tens of micrometers; it seems to be a primitive creature without nucleus in the cell. Mud gathered together and turned into this rock, so I can judge that it might be living in a sea. I'd like to elucidate how early stage of life could look like."

    This discovery is important in knowing the beginning of life on earth.

2017年10月1日 星期日

China’s three major Internet companies fined for “insufficient information regulation"

Recently the NHK News On-line reported the following:
中国 ネット大手3社 を「情報規制不十分」で罰金

926 456





My translation

For reasons of not regulating sufficiently improper information that was based on rumors and pornography etc. , the Chinese authority announced the passing down of an administrative penalty which inflicted a fine on the three major Internet companies that operated the Chinese version of Twitter and LINE etc., thus backing up the Communist Party meeting in October by strengthening controls over speeches in the Internet.

China’s Internet management authority in Beijing, and in Kuangtung province at the south had violated the Internet safety law that was in force since June of this year; it was announced that an administrative penalty in fine was passed down on the 25th to the three major Internet companies which managed respectively China’s version of Twitter the “Way Baud" and China version LINE the “Way Shinn”, in addition to “Bye Do" which was a bulletin board and the largest search site in the country.

It was announced that the three companies had not regulate sufficiently rumors, pornography and terrorism information sent out by users and that the authority asked individual company to take up management responsibility.

In China while the authority regulated the contents of newspapers and television, the Internet was a place where some opinion could be expressed, but when the writings were seen as carrying inconvenient contents for the government and the Communist Party, they would be eliminated one after another.

As the 3 major companies got a punishment this time, for all companies it was expected that from now on individual Internet company might strengthen a movement in which the user's sending contents would be restricted. In preparation for the Communist Party meeting which was held once every five years and would be started on October 18, the Chinese authority had made clear its position of strengthening controls on speech in the Internet.

  It is not surprising that the CCP will tighten its control in the Internet for a while.