2014年9月17日 星期三

印度: 承認「一個中国」有條件

Last week the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
20140909 1728

At a press conference on the 8th, Foreign Minister Swaraj of India touched on the planned India visit by PRC President Xi Jinping of China in the middle of this month, saying that "If China wants us to accept ‘one China’, it should accept "one India".

China asserted that there was only "one China" on the Taiwan issue. At the same time India was repulsive regarding Arunachal Pradesh state at the northern which had effective control was treated by China as its territory, and continued to make protests.

While the economic relation with China was further strengthened, Foreign Minister Swaraj's remarks could be regarded as a posture of the Modi government to show that it would not compromise on the border issue.

I think territorial negotiations demand a lot of diplomatic skill

