2013年5月5日 星期日


Last month the NHK News on-line reported the following:


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It was new ore deposit containing zinc, gold etc. in large quantities: a place where minerals were gathering in large amount was discovered at a depressed ground of the seabed in the offing of the northwest of the main Okinawa island; since the resources might exceed 5 million tons that was originally assumed, it was expected that it might lead to future resources related development.

New ore deposit was found at the depressed ground of the seabed with a diameter of 3 to 6 km at the so called the "Izenakaiketsu" located in the offing about 100 km northwest of the main Okinawa island.

According to the "Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation" which was an independent administrative agency, it was said that based on the mineral-resources  development plan of the seabed which the country had decided, seabed investigation on the Izenakaiketsu was performed staring from the Heisei 20th year in response to Commission for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. In January and February this year a new ore deposit which was containing zinc, gold, etc. in large quantities was discovered below the seabed at depth of 30 meters below the sea water.

Although it was said that the thickness and the range of the new ore deposit were still unknown, because the resources of the ore deposit which was near the sea surface had already been checked and estimated at about 3,400,000 tons, when this new ore deposit was included, it was said that there might exist in the Izenakaiketsu a large-scale metallic mineral resources which could exceed the 5 million-ton estimation originally assumed.

In "Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation" it was said that the investigation on the seabed was carried out continuously in order to grasp the scale of the whole new ore deposit, noting that it would lead to future resources development.

It is good news for Japan, the discovery would help its industrial development.

