(2013年5月4日23時31分 読売新聞)
On the fourth Finance Minister cum Deputy
Prime Minister Aso conferred with Prime Minister Singh at a visiting place at
Greater Noida at the suburb of New
Delhi .
It confirmed further advancing the
introduction of the Shinkansen technology of Japan
to India ,
and the cooperation on the development rare earth. The Japan and India was in agreement in advancing
deliberations to conclude negotiation for a nuclear agreement which would
enable them to perform technical cooperation in nuclear power generation etc.
About the measure to break away from the
deflation, such as Japan ’s
money market relaxation, Prime Minister Singh said that he estimated it as
"a very remarkable measure". Mr. Aso at the press conference did no
touch on the concern that would come from countries at a series of meetings,
such as the Asian Development Bank general meetings about the money market
relaxation by Japan .
He just said "That Japan
becomes prosperous would benefit both Asia and
the world economy".
It seems that Japan
is increasing its diplomatic ties with India .