2012年3月25日 星期日


Recently the Yomiuri News on-line reported the following:
(2012年3月17日19時41分 読売新聞)
Reconciliation deliberation was handed down by the District court of San Diego, California on the 16th regarding the group action by the consumers of the U.S. who had purchased the hybrid car (HV) of Honda; they claimed that car's fuel consumption was worse than had been shown in the advertisement etc., and were asking the company for reparations.
Reconciliation was achieved because the Honda side paid a maximum of 200 dollars per person (about 16,700 yen).
There were about 200,000 candidates and they were HV owners of "Civic" 2003-20 09 model.
The judge in charge estimated the amount of reconciliation was about 170 million dollars (about 14,200 million yen), but it was expected to adjust according to the future situation.
According to the Associated Press etc. when the candidate in future would buy a new car of Honda, in addition to the settlement package of 100 to 200 dollars paid according to the model of the car involved, he had the right to receive a maximum of 1500-dollar discount also.
Honda on the 16th issued a statement saying that "it is satisfied with the court's recognition of the reconciliation".
Regarding the HV of Honda, last month there was a similar small claims lawsuit by US buyers who did not join the group action; the plaintiff side won the case and the court had ordered Honda to pay compensation of 9,867 dollars.

Companies should know that exaggeration in the advertisement could bring trouble.

