2011年1月21日 星期五


Recently the Excite News reported the following:






An article entitled "Why does Japan become poor so fast?" was published in the blog site of the Chinese Phoenix in China on December 30, 2010. The content is as follows:
According to the result of an investigation done by the Kyushu University on the third grade of high-school students in Nagasaki Prefecture, there was the possibility that about 3% of them had to abandon schooling due to the poverty of the household. Toshikazu Maruno the vice-president of this university pointed out that 「When this ratio is applied to National Center for University Entrance Examination, about 16,000 people cannot go to the university for economic reasons. It is necessary to take relief measures」.

Nominal GDP (gross domestic product) per person in Japan was at the 16th place in the world, about ten times that of China. In the world at the moment, Japan for sure still was one of the advanced countries in GDP total although it was slightly over taken by China. Yet, for sure Japan was poor.

The Cabinet Council on December 24 decided on the government budget draft for the fiscal year 2011. Although the total in general account recorded a new height of about 92.4 trillion yen, the outstanding debts in the country was 973 trillion yen, swelled to twice more then the GDP. The amount of the debt per person in Japan including new-born child would be 6.74 million yen. It would be the highest among advanced countries.

What should have attracted attention was that Japan had to allot half of its national budget for debt repayments. According to Japanese media, the bond related expenditure allotted for the redemption of national bonds and payment of interest went up to 22 trillion yen. Add on this was the government contribution of 21 trillion yen pension. In total it was 43 trillion yen. Japanese Government was shouldering a heavy burden.

With this, the home demand expansion etc. could not be expected. Moreover, Japan was entering an era of birthrate declining and population aging; the number of young people who would pay the pension was decreasing, and the number of senior citizens who could receive the pension would increase gradually in the future. Debts would only swell up like a snowball. Revenue collected in the fiscal year 1990 was as much as 62 trillion yen, but in 2009 it was only 37 trillion yen. The revenue in Japan decreased by as much as 40% in these 20 years.

In Japan, the money in hand had decreased greatly, the means and power to stimulate the economy had failed. For Japan in order to revive its economy, it had to change prevailing conditions. To strengthen the cooperation with the surrounding countries would become indispensable.

It is surprising to note that the amount of revenue collected in Japan has declined so much in the past 20 years. And that one reason for the declining economy in Japan is the decline in birth rate.

