2010年6月17日 星期四


Recently NHK News reported the following:


From the ruins of Heijo Palace in Nara City, nit was found among the soil thought to be the excrement of government officials and this might reflect that they had eaten near raw meat. This finding showed that among the government officials, there were some who liked to eat meat although the instruction that forbade animal killing was issued at the Nara era when Buddhism was so popular.

Nit was found at the ruins of the public office of Imperial prince at the capital of Nara era. According to the Nara culture asset laboratory investigation, from among the soil thought to be government officials' excrement nit was detected and that showed some might have eaten meat in the condition close to raw. It was thought that the discovery had showed that some government officials had the custom of eating meat although the instruction that forbade the killing of cow and wild boar etc. animals had been issued by the emperor several times during the Nara era when the Buddhism was active. Chief researcher Imai who undertook the investigation said 「It reverses our thinking in the image that meat was not eaten at the Nara era. Part of the government officials' eating habits might have been able to be clarified. 」

It is an interesting finding. I hope Japanese scholars could continue their studies on people's social life during the Nara period.

