Recently Asahi News reported the following:
有効性がわかったのは、胃腸の働きをよくして、体力を回復する効果があるとされる補中益気湯(ほちゅうえっきとう)。 昨秋、東京にある病院の職員358人(平均41歳)の協力を得た。半数の人に補中益気湯を4~8週間毎日飲んでもらい、残り半数は飲まなかった。8週間後までに、飲まなかった人で7人が新型インフルと診断された。飲んだ人では1人だけだった。ただ、薬が合わず、途中でやめた人が14人いた。 新見さんは「アレルギーなどがあってワクチンが使いにくい人もいる。漢方薬で予防するという選択肢があってもいい」と話している。
During the internal medicine association general meeting held in Tokyo on the 11th, Niimi Associate professor (surgery) of Teikyo University Department of Medicine announced in a lecture meeting that the Chinese medicine seemed to be useful for the prevention of a new swine flu. The thing that found effective was a soup [called hochuuekkitou] that was understood to have the effect of improving the functioning of the stomach and intestine, and thus helped one to recover his strength. Last autumn the cooperation from 358 staff (41 years old on average) in a hospital in Tokyo was received. Half of the people drank it for 4 to 8 week every day, and the remaining half did not drink. Later by the eighth week, among people who had not drink, seven people were diagnosed as having the new flu. In the drink group only one person was diagnosed as having the new flu. However, the medicine was not suitable for all, and 14 people had given up during that period. Mr. Niimi said 「There are people who have allergy etc. to vaccine and make the use of vaccine difficult too. The use of Chinese medicine may offer you a choice in flu prevention 」.
Its seems that Chinese herb may be a viable alternative in dealing with the new flu.