2009年11月29日 星期日

The China White Paper 1949(I)

The content of this book The China White Paper : August 1949 was first published in 1949 under the title of United States Relations with China: With Special Reference to the Period 1944-1949. It appeared during the final stage of Communist victory in China's civil war fought some 60 years ago. At that historical moment, the US Department of State chose to let the record speak for itself. For me, the most interesting part of the book was a 400-page summary of American China policy from 1844 to 1949. Through these pages, readers could see the development of Sino-US relation through the American eyes. (to be continued)

United States, Department of State. The China White Paper-August 1949. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1967.
(注:相片見到那書是我歷史老師Mr. Raoul Grossman多年前送給我, 物重情意亦重, 特別再次多謝)

