2009年11月26日 星期四


Recently Mainichi News reported the following:

愛知県一宮市の農産物加工卸「たけ乃子屋」(破産手続き中)が中国産タケノコの水煮を国産と表示して販売していた事件で、愛知県警は27日、同社元社長、森嘉仁容疑者(52)ら幹部3人を不正競争防止法違反容疑で逮捕した。県警は森容疑者が偽装表示を主導したとみて、経緯などを詳しく調べる。 ほかに逮捕されたのは同社工場長と横浜営業所長の2人。捜査幹部によると、森容疑者らは共謀して取引先会社に依頼し、中国から輸入したタケノコ水煮を国産と表示した袋に詰め替えさせ、首都圏や東海地方のスーパーで販売した疑いが持たれている。

On the 27th, Aichi Prefecture police arrested three executives, including the former president of a farm product processing wholesale company (currently under bankruptcy procedure) in Aichi Prefecture Ichinomiya City, for violating the unfair competition prevention law by displaying bamboo shoots imported from China as domestic produce and sold them as such. Prefecture police examined the details thoroughly and thought that the suspects had initiated false labeling. Besides, two people (the plant manager of this company and the head of the Yokohama office) were arrested. It was thought that the suspects conspired and requested the company to import bamboo shoots from China, then filled them into bags that displayed the items as domestic produce, and sold them in supermarkets in the metropolitan area and in the Tokai region, according to investigating officials.

From the above report, it is shocking to note that even goods labeled as made in Japan could be in fact made in China.

