2020年1月2日 星期四

China to self make the information systems: an expectation to eliminate the US - "100% in 2022" for all party government agencies

Recently Nihon Keizai Shimbun electronic version reported the following:
中国、情報システム国産化 米排除の思惑も
22年に100% 党政府機関向け
貿易摩擦 習政権 ネット・IT 中国・台湾 アジアBiz
2019/12/9 21:43日本経済新聞 電子版











[BEIJING Taveta Shunsuke] Xi Jinping Guidance Department of China had set the goal of switching the information system of the Communist Party and government organizations into all made-in-China by 2022. PCs and basic software (OS) might be included as the target. The fight for US-China high-tech supremacy was intensifying, and this would eliminate US-made products and foster domestic IT (information technology) industry, some rumors said that this could be used as a card for US-China trade negotiations.

A number of local government officials expressed that by June they had received from the party center and ministry notifications about the procurement of information systems for party government agencies. The notice said that in the three years from 2020 to 2022, all the information systems of the party government agencies should be switched to domestic products.

It was unclear if the notification contained a specific product or software. According to officials, in addition to PCs, Microsoft (MS) OS “Windows” and business software “Offices” might also be targeted. Some said that it included electronic document software from Adobe Systems and CPU (central processing unit) for personal computers handled by Intel.

According to the notice, the target for domestic products would be 30% for 2020, 80% for 2021, and 100% for 2022. A local government official pointed out that the reasons for Xi Guidance Department to promote domestic production were “the strengthening of information security and the development of the IT industry”.

In May, the US Department of Commerce imposed a de facto export ban on Huawei which was China's largest communications equipment maker. Xi Guidance Department might have judged that the US government's move to eliminate Chinese products would stay, and thus shifted its long-term strategy to promote in-house production of IT products and software.

On the other hand, this notification was issued at the same time when the US-China trade negotiations were on the reef. There was also an analysis (by some China IT company executives). that it had a meaning of become a card to advance the difficult trade negotiations favorable to them.

According to experts in the Chinese IT industry, most PCs such as US HP and Dell US were assembled in China, and "the difficulty of limiting them to Chinese products is not high." In the three years up to 2010, 20 million units, which was equivalent to more than 10% of the domestic demand in China, would be the target of switching, and it was expected to bring new demand to the Lenovo Group etc. in China.

Software such as OS had a strong presence in US companies. According to Chinese media, MS's Windows share in China was nearly 90% in PC OS. A senior executive from a foreign IT company pointed out that “US-made OSs have a high penetration rate and it is not easy to replace them with Chinese ones”.

With the support of the Xi Guidance department, Chinese companies rushed to develop. In the OS, companies belonging to the state-owned Chinese electronic communications industry group would provide “Kylin” OS and other items. In terms of the domestic market share of business software in China, the MS “office” accounted for about 60% and Jīnshān Ruǎnjiàn (KINGSOFT) accounted for about 40%. While Adobe was the leading electronic document software, China's Wanxing Technology also provided software.

The Xi Guidance Department, which was established in 2012, announced the high-tech industry development policy “Chinese Manufacturing 2025” in 2015 and had strengthened its information system development. This domestic production policy now could also be seen as part of a long-term industrial policy that aimed at improving competitiveness against the United States.

       So, China's  new domestic production policy in computers could be seen as a response to counter the US policy in barring Hauwei. Obviously, the US-China trade disputes will spill over into many other areas even after the phase-one trade agreement is concluded.

