2019年7月2日 星期二

India: Affected by lychee toxin, 47 children died from encephalitis

Recently CNN.co.jp reported the following:
ライチ由来の毒素が影響、脳炎で子ども47人死亡 インド
2019.06.15 Sat posted at 12:02 JST

(CNN) インド北部で、果物のライチに含まれる毒素の影響で子どもが脳炎を発症し、死亡するケースが相次いでいる。現地の保健当局が明らかにしたところによると、その数は過去3週間で47人に上る。









 In northern India in succession children developed encephalitis from toxins contained in lychee seeds / Shutterstock

(CNN) In northern India, children developed encephalitis and died from the effects of toxins contained in lychee fruit. The number had reached 47 in the past three weeks, according to local health authorities.

Official from the state of Bihar made the announcement on the 13th. A total of 179 patients with acute encephalitis had been diagnosed by two hospitals in the towns of the state since January this year. However, there were no deaths until two to three weeks ago.

At least 351 people had died from encephalitis in 2013 in Uttar Pradesh which also at the same location in the north.

While the state health department decided that the cause of death was hypoglycemia, it also pointed out that lychee widely grown locally was a factor.

According to a research paper published in a 2017 medical journal, parents reported that children spend most of the day eating children's lychees in nearby orchards, in a village where the outbreak of illness occurred one after another. When children merely eating lychee when hungry went to bed without having dinner, the body's blood sugar levels dropped at night.

When blood sugar levels fell, the body tried to metabolize fatty acids to make glucose. But the paper pointed out that "the synthesis of glucose is significantly inhibited" if the toxin contained in Lychee species was present in the body. It was said that these conditions caused dangerous levels of hypoglycemia and brain inflammation.

About Lychee seed toxins, a high level could be found in unripe fruits. Analysis of urine samples from children who developed the disease showed that these toxins were detected in two thirds of all the children.

State health officials had described children with encephalitis as "from a poor family and lacking in sugar. They are also malnourished." Parents who lived in the state were warned to remember letting their children drink enough water and not to allow them going to bed hungry.

     So, lychee eating could be hazardous to life if you are from a poor family.

