2019年7月11日 星期四


Recently Yahoo Finance reported the following:
Yahoo Finance

China pulls WTO suit over claim to be a market economy

Reuters  By Tom Miles,Reuters Mon, Jun 17 3:26 AM PDT
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GENEVA (Reuters) - China has halted a dispute at the World Trade Organization over its claim to be a market economy, a panel of three WTO adjudicators said on Monday, meaning Beijing must accept continued EU and U.S. "anti-dumping" levies on cheap Chinese goods.

One trade official close to the case said so much of the ruling had gone against Beijing that it had opted to pull the plug before the result became official.

"They lost so much that they didn't even want the world to see the panel's reasoning," the official said.

Without a WTO ruling in Beijing's favor, the EU and United States can keep imposing duties on cheap imports from China while disregarding its claim that they are fairly priced.

China had insisted that they treat it as a "market economy", countering their view that the price of Chinese exports could not be taken at face value due to state interference in the economy.

It took legal action saying that under its 2001 WTO membership terms it must be recognized as a "market economy" after 15 years.

"China believes that there can be no other plausible reading of this simple and unambiguous treaty language," China's WTO ambassador Zhang Xiangchen said at a WTO hearing in 2017, calling the text "crystal clear".

But the United States and the EU disagreed. They said Chinese goods -- especially commodities such as steel and aluminium -- were still heavily under-priced because of subsidies and state-backed oversupply, giving Chinese exporters an unfair advantage.

The row had become an explosive issue for the United States, with President Donald Trump threatening to quit the WTO if the organisation did not "shape up".

Chinese, EU and U.S. officials did not immediately comment on the suspension.

Beijing launched disputes against Brussels and Washington at the WTO in December 2016. It only pursued the case against the EU, but asked to suspend legal proceedings on May 7, the panel said.

After an EU request to take certain considerations into account, China reiterated its request to suspend legal proceedings. The panel accepted and halted the case on Friday.

The official said China was on course to lose the bulk of the case, with only some minor points going in its favour.

"They were going to win something, but it was overshadowed by the huge defeat that they had on the main claim."

(Reporting by Tom Miles; Editing by Raissa Kasolowsky and Hugh Lawson)



 瓦(路透社) - 中國已經停止了與世界貿易組織關於其市場經濟的爭議,週三世貿組織的三人裁決小組稱,北京必須接受歐盟和美國對廉價中國貨徵收的“反傾銷”。




中國堅稱他們使用“市場經濟” 處理,反對由於中國對經濟的干預,就中國出口品價格不能按表面價格計算的觀點



但美國和歐盟不同意。他們表示,由於補貼和國家支持的供過於求,中國商品 - 特別是鋼鐵和鋁等商品 - 的價格仍被嚴重抑制,這給中國出口商帶來了不公平的優勢。




在歐盟要求將某些考慮因素放在考慮之列後,國再次要求暫停法律程序。小組在周五接受要求, 並停止了此案。




It is unbelievable that mainland China has a market economy. I think this topic is one of the focus of the present trade war between the US and China. China is at a cross road on economy reforms.

